AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

AWS Developer Tool Recap – Recent Enhancements to CodeCommit, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy

The AWS Developer Tools help you to put modern DevOps practices to work! Here’s a quick overview (read New AWS Tools for Code Management and Deployment for an in-depth look): AWS CodeCommit is a fully-managed source code control service. You can use it to host secure and highly scalable private Git repositories while continuing to […]

AWS SDK for C++ – Now Ready for Production Use

After almost a year of developer feedback and contributions, version 1.0 of the AWS SDK for C++ is now available and recommended for production use. The SDK follows semantic versioning, so starting at version 1.0, you can depend on any of the C++ SDKs at version 1.x, and upgrades will not break your build. Based […]

Now Available – AWS CodePipeline

We announced AWS CodePipeline at AWS re:Invent last fall (see my post, New AWS Tools for Code Management and Deployment for the details). As I said at that time, this tool will help you to model and automate your software release process. The automation provided by CodePipeline is designed to make your release process more […]