AWS News Blog

Category: Launch

New – Encrypted EBS Boot Volumes

Encryption is an important part of any data protection strategy. Over the past year or two, we have introduced many features that are designed to simplify the task of storing your cloud-based information in encrypted form. Many of these features make use of the AWS Key Management Service (KMS); here are some of the more […]

New – Route 53 Traffic Flow

I registered my first domain name almost 20 years ago! Back then, the mapping from a domain name to a server was simple and straightforward. Load balancers, geographic redundancy, website monitoring, cloud computing, and the like had not yet entered the scene. The mapping was always from a domain name to a single, unchanging IP […]

New – AWS Price List API

Many AWS customers and partners have been asking for a programmatic way to access prices for AWS services. This information can be used in several ways. Some potential customers are evaluating the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of moving their on-premises workloads to the cloud and want to “do the math.” Current customers and partners would like […]

New VM Import Options for EC2

When I discuss AWS with enterprise customers, they often ask me how they can take advantage of their existing investments in on-premises virtualization. They want to take advantage of their existing “golden” images and the development, deployment, and certification processes that go along with them. Fortunately, I am able to tell them about two separate […]