AWS News Blog

Category: Launch

New – AWS Mobile SDK for Xamarin

We want to make sure that developers can use the programming language of their choice to build AWS-powered applications that run on many different types of devices and in a wide variety of environments. As you can see from the AWS Tools page, we already support multiple mobile (iOS, Android, and Unity) and counter-top (Alexa […]

New Amazon CloudWatch Action – Reboot EC2 Instance

Amazon CloudWatch monitors your cloud resources and applications, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. You can track cloud, system, and application metrics, see them in graphical form, and arrange to be notified (via a CloudWatch alarm) if they cross a threshold value that you specify. You can also stop, terminate, or recover an […]

New – CloudWatch Metrics for Amazon WorkSpaces

AWS customers are deploying Amazon WorkSpaces at scale in medium and large organizations. For example, health care company Johnson & Johnson is using WorkSpaces to realize the long-promised security and efficacy benefits of virtual desktops, in a world populated by a diverse workforce that would like to use their own computing devices if possible (also […]

New – AWS Partner Program for SaaS

Back in the heyday of shrink-wrap software, the time between major releases was often measured in quarters or years. This created a long, slow feedback loop that often left customers waiting far too long for new features and bug fixes. Today, Software as as Service (SaaS), often powered by an agile development methodology and supported […]

New APN Competency – Security

As part of our continued effort to allow our partners to share their expertise in particular market segments and topical areas, I’m happy to be able to tell you about our new APN Security Competency. Like all of our competencies, this one gives you access to partners with genuine, hard-earned expertise in an area that […]

New – AWS Budgets and Forecasts

The dynamic, pay-as-you-go nature of the AWS Cloud gives you the opportunity to build systems that respond gracefully to changes in load while paying only for the compute, storage, network, database, and other resources that you actually consume. Over the last couple of years, as our customer base has become increasingly sophisticated and cloud-aware, we […]