AWS News Blog

Category: Launch

New in the AWS Marketplace – Oracle Linux

Version 6.6 of Oracle Linux is now available in AWS Marketplace, with both hourly and annual pricing: The 64-bit Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel was designed to provide scalability, reliability, and performance improvements for demanding enterprise applications, including Enterprise Oracle workloads. This is a fully supported way to run Oracle Linux on AWS. Patches and updates are […]

New AWS Certification for DevOps Engineers

As more companies are adopting cloud computing, they are also establishing DevOps practices within their organizations as a way to provide stable, secure, and predictable IT environments and increase IT efficiency. When I talk to our customers they tell me that they are looking for IT professionals with cloud computing expertise, with a special focus […]

New Internet of Things (IoT) Hack Series at the AWS Loft – Sign up Now!

Are you familiar with the Internet of Things (IoT) concept? Compact, low-cost, Internet-connected devices are now embedded in cars, buildings, factories, appliances, and so forth. The devices collect light, weight, temperature, humidity, vibration, location, or pressure data and then forward it to another location for storage, processing, analysis, and action. New Challenges The low-cost nature […]

New – Set Preferred Payment Currency for your AWS Account

With customers in 190 countries, AWS is truly a global phenomenon. Today we are making the AWS bill payment process more powerful, by adding support for credit card payments in eleven additional currencies. This support comes in addition to our existing support for US Dollars (USD). This will relieve your accounting department of the burden […]

New – Managed Policies for AWS Identity & Access Management

Many computer science problems can be solved, the experts like to say, by adding another level of indirection (this proposition is often referred to, with mock seriousness, as the Fundamental Theorem of Software Engineering). If you are currently using IAM, you already know that you can use user-based permissions to grant access to specific AWS […]

New – Tagging for ElastiCache Clusters & Snapshots

As you probably know, you can tag many types of AWS resources for tracking and billing purposes. You can use the Cost Explorer to attribute costs to resources and you can use Resource Groups to easily create and maintain collections of resources that share a common set of tags. Today we are giving you the […]

New Auto Export for Amazon Mobile Analytics

April 30, 2018: We’ve discontinued Amazon Mobile Analytics. Amazon Pinpoint now provides the analytics features that Amazon Mobile Analytics previously offered. If you’re new to Mobile Analytics, you can integrate the mobile analytics features of Amazon Pinpoint into your app. If you currently use Amazon Mobile Analytics, you can migrate to Amazon Pinpoint. I am […]