AWS News Blog

Category: Launch

AWS CloudTrail Update – Seven New Services & Support From CloudCheckr

AWS CloudTrail records the API calls made in your AWS account and publishes the resulting log files to an Amazon S3 bucket in JSON format, with optional notification to an Amazon SNS topic each time a file is published. Our customers use the log files generated CloudTrail in many different ways. Popular use cases include […]

New CloudWatch Metrics for Amazon Simple Workflow

The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF for short) coordinates tasks and manages state for cloud-based applications. You can focus on your business logic and on your application instead of building complex glue code and implementing your own state machines. Among many other use cases, our customers are using SWF to manage complex video encoding pipelines, […]

Welcome to the new AWS Blog!

You are now reading the newest version of the AWS Blog! After hosting the blog externally for nearly ten years, we decided to “drink our own champagne” (as we often say at Amazon) and move to an AWS-powered environment. I am happy to be able to report that this blog is generated on Amazon EC2 […]

The New Cost Explorer for AWS

My colleague Parmita Mehta sent a blog post to introduce the new Cost Explorer. This looks really cool and I think you will like it! — Jeff; I would like to introduce the Cost Explorer, a new toolset for managing your AWS spending. Cost Explorer is integrated with the new AWS Billing Console launched in […]

Coming Soon – New Memory-Optimized EC2 Instances

At last week’s AWS Summit in San Francisco, Senior VP Andy Jassy announced the forthcoming R3 instance type (watch Andy’s presentation), and presented a map to illustrate the choices: I’d like to provide you with some additional technical and pricing information so that you can start thinking about how you will put this powerful new […]

New Instance Types for Amazon Elastic MapReduce

Thousands of AWS customers use Amazon Elastic MapReduce to process and store vast amounts of data. Because Elastic MapReduce is built around the Hadoop framework, it is easy to use hundreds or thousands of Amazon EC2 instances in parallel. Hot on the heels of the price reductions that we made last week, we are also […]

New Training Course – Big Data on AWS

We have added a new Big Data course to the AWS Training program. The three day, instructor-led course is designed to teach you how to use Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Elastic MapReduce and important Hadoop tools such as Pig and Hive. The course will show you how to create big data environments and how […]