AWS News Blog

Category: Announcements

Architectural diagram.

Introducing Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio – Quickly Interact with Streaming Data Using SQL, Python, or Scala

The best way to get timely insights and react quickly to new information you receive from your business and your applications is to analyze streaming data. This is data that must usually be processed sequentially and incrementally on a record-by-record basis or over sliding time windows, and can be used for a variety of analytics […]

New – AWS App Runner: From Code to a Scalable, Secure Web Application in Minutes

Containers have become the default way that I package my web applications. Although I love the speed, productivity, and consistency that containers provide, there is one aspect of the container development workflow that I do not like: the lengthy routine I go through when I deploy a container image for the first time. You might […]

Incident Manager

Resolve IT Incidents Faster with Incident Manager, a New Capability of AWS Systems Manager

IT engineers pride themselves on the skill and care they put into building applications and infrastructure. However, as much as we all hate to admit it, there is no such thing as 100% uptime. Everything will fail at some point, often at the worst possible time, leading to many a ruined evening, birthday party, or […]

New Amazon FinSpace Simplifies Data Management and Analytics for Financial Services

Managing data is the core of the Financial Services Industry (FSI). I worked for private banking and fund management companies and helped analysts to collect, aggregate, and analyze hundreds of petabytes of data from internal data sources, such as portfolio management, order management, and accounting systems, but also from external data sources, such as real-time […]

Architecture diagram.

Introducing CloudFront Functions – Run Your Code at the Edge with Low Latency at Any Scale

With Amazon CloudFront, you can securely deliver data, videos, applications, and APIs to your customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds. To offer a customized experience and the lowest possible latency, many modern applications execute some form of logic at the edge. The use cases for applying logic at the edge can be […]

Amazon Nimble Studio – Build a Creative Studio in the Cloud

Amazon Nimble Studio is a new service that creative studios can use to produce visual effects, animations, and interactive content entirely in the cloud with AWS, from the storyboard sketch to the final deliverable. Nimble Studio provides customers with on-demand access to virtual workstations, elastic file storage, and render farm capacity. It also provides built-in […]

Decrease Your Machine Learning Costs with Instance Price Reductions and Savings Plans for Amazon SageMaker

Launched at AWS re:Invent 2017, Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that has already helped tens of thousands of customers quickly build and deploy their machine learning (ML) workflows on AWS. To help them get the most ML bang for their buck, we’ve added a string of cost-optimization services and capabilities, such as Managed Spot […]