AWS News Blog

Category: Announcements

New – Announcing Amazon AppFlow

Software as a service (SaaS) applications are becoming increasingly important to our customers, and adoption is growing rapidly. While there are many benefits to this way of consuming software, one challenge is that data is now living in lots of different places. To get meaningful insights from this data, we need to have a way […]

Announcing TorchServe, An Open Source Model Server for PyTorch

PyTorch is one of the most popular open source libraries for deep learning. Developers and researchers particularly enjoy the flexibility it gives them in building and training models. Yet, this is only half the story, and deploying and managing models in production is often the most difficult part of the machine learning process: building bespoke […]

Amazon Elastic Container Service & AWS Fargate, now support Amazon Elastic File System

It has only been five years since Jeff wrote on this blog about the launch of the Amazon Elastic Container Service. I remember reading that post and thinking how exotic and unusual containers sounded. Fast forward just five years, and containers are an everyday part of most developers lives, but whilst customers are increasingly adopting […]

CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB – Now Generally Available

Amazon DynamoDB provides our customers a fully-managed key-value database service that can easily scale from a few requests per month to millions of requests per second. DynamoDB supports some of the world’s largest scale applications by providing consistent, single-digit millisecond response times at any scale. You can build applications with virtually unlimited throughput and storage. DynamoDB global […]