AWS News Blog

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Simple line art depicting Amazon S3 DSSE-KMS

New – Amazon S3 Dual-Layer Server-Side Encryption with Keys Stored in AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS)

Today, we are launching Amazon S3 dual-layer server-side encryption with keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS), a new encryption option in S3 that applies two layers of encryption to objects when they are uploaded to an S3 bucket. DSSE-KMS is designed to meet National Security Agency CNSSP 15 for FIPS compliance and Data-at-Rest Capability […]

Console screenshot.

Simplify How You Manage Authorization in Your Applications with Amazon Verified Permissions – Now Generally Available

When developing a new application or integrating an existing one into a new environment, user authentication and authorization require significant effort to be correctly implemented. In the past, you would have built your own authentication system, but today you can use an external identity provider like Amazon Cognito. Yet, authorization logic is typically implemented in […]

AWS Week in Review – Automate DLQ Redrive for SQS, Lambda Supports Ruby 3.2, and More – June 12, 2023

Today I’m boarding a plane for Madrid. I will attend the AWS Summit Madrid this Thursday, and I will take Serverlesspresso with me. Serverlesspresso is a demo that we take to events, in where you can learn how to build event-driven architectures with serverless. If you are visiting an AWS Summit, most probably you will […]

Console screenshot.

New – Move Payment Processing to the Cloud with AWS Payment Cryptography

Cryptography is everywhere in our daily lives. If you’re reading this blog, you’re using HTTPS, an extension of HTTP that uses encryption to secure communications. On AWS, multiple services and capabilities help you manage keys and encryption, such as: AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), which you can use to create and protect keys to […]

AWS Heroes

Announcing the latest AWS Heroes – June 2023

AWS Heroes dedicate their time to help others build better and faster on AWS. Heroes support and give back to the community in a variety of ways: contributing to open source projects, organizing AWS Community Days, speaking at conferences, leading workshops, mentoring builders, hosting meetups, and much more. Please welcome and say hello to our […]

Amazon SQS main features diagram.

A New Set of APIs for Amazon SQS Dead-Letter Queue Redrive

Today, we launch a new set of APIs for Amazon SQS. These new APIs allow you to manage dead-letter queue (DLQ) redrive programmatically. You can now use the AWS SDKs or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to programmatically move messages from the DLQ to their original queue, or to a custom queue destination, […]

AWS Week in Review – Amazon Security Lake Now GA, New Actions on AWS Fault Injection Simulator, and More – June 5, 2023

Last Wednesday, I traveled to Cape Town to speak at the .Net Developer User Group. My colleague Francois Bouteruche also gave a talk but joined virtually. I enjoyed my time there—what an amazing community! Join the group in order to learn about upcoming events. Now onto the AWS updates from last week. There was a […]

Line art simple rendering of DMS Serverless

New – AWS DMS Serverless: Automatically Provisions and Scales Capacity for Migration and Data Replication

With the vast amount of data being created today, organizations are moving to the cloud to take advantage of the security, reliability, and performance of fully managed database services. To facilitate database and analytics migrations, you can use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). First launched in 2016, AWS DMS offers a simple migration process […]