AWS News Blog

AWS Week in Review – August 17, 2015

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, August 17 We announced New Metrics for EC2 Container Service – Clusters & Services. We announced a New Logstash Plugin to Search DynamoDB Content Using Elasticsearch. The AWS Security Blog showed you How to Migrate Your Microsoft Active Directory Users to Simple […]

New – Store and Process Graph Data using the DynamoDB Storage Backend for Titan

Graph databases elegantly and efficiently represent entities (generally known as vertices or nodes) and relationships (edges) that connect them. Here’s a very simple example of a graph: Bill and Candace have a daughter named Janet, and she has a son named Bob. This makes Candace Bob’s grandmother, and Bill his grandfather. Once a graph has […]

Announcing the AWS Pop-up Loft in London

The AWS Pop-up Lofts in San Francisco and New York have become hubs and working spaces for developers, entrepreneurs, students, and others who are interested in working with and learning more about AWS. They come to learn, code, meet, collaborate, ask questions, and to hang out with other like-minded folks. I’m happy to be able […]

New APN Competency – Mobile

My doctor, my dentist, and my car mechanic each display their diplomas, licenses, and certifications in prominent locations within their offices. These documents reassure me (and prospective patients or customers) that the owners take their professions seriously, that they have invested time in their education, and that they have demonstrated their competency to the appropriate […]

New Metrics for EC2 Container Service: Clusters & Services

The Amazon EC2 Container Service helps you to build, run, and scale Docker-based applications. As I noted in an earlier post (EC2 Container Service – Latest Features, Customer Successes, and More), you will benefit from easy cluster management, high performance, flexible scheduling, extensibility, portability, and AWS integration while running in an AWS-powered environment that is […]

AWS Week in Review – August 10, 2015

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, August 10 We announced that CloudWatch Logs Now Supports Cross-Account Subscriptions. The AWS Java Blog discussed Managing Dependencies with AWS SDK for Java. The Flux7 Blog described AWS Config: A Configuration Manager to Save the Day. The Nimbo Blog discussed Amazon Aurora: […]