AWS Compute Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Node.js 12.x runtime now available in AWS Lambda

We are excited to announce that you can now develop AWS Lambda functions using the Node.js 12.x runtime, which is the current Long Term Support (LTS) version of Node.js. Start using this new version today by specifying a runtime parameter value of nodejs12.x when creating or updating functions. Language Updates Here is a quick primer that highlights […]

Python 3.8 runtime now available in AWS Lambda

You can now develop your AWS Lambda functions using the Python 3.8 runtime. Start using this runtime today by specifying a runtime parameter value of python3.8 when creating or updating Lambda functions. New Python runtime features Python 3.8 is a stable release and brings several new features, including assignment expressions, positional-only arguments, and vectorcall. Assignment […]

Running Java applications on Amazon EC2 A1 instances with Amazon Corretto

This post is contributed by Jeff Underhill | EC2 Principal Business Development Manager and Arthur Petitpierre | Arm Specialist Solutions Architect   Amazon EC2 A1 instances deliver up to 45% cost savings for scale-out applications and are powered by AWS Graviton Processors that feature 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores and custom silicon designed by AWS. Amazon Corretto is […]

Improving the Getting Started experience with AWS Lambda

Update – October 30, 2019: This experience is now available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-northeast-1, ab-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1. Original post from October 3, 2019: A common question from developers is, “How do I get started with creating serverless applications?” Frequently, I point developers to the […]

Central API account

Architecting multiple microservices behind a single domain with Amazon API Gateway

This post is courtesy of Roberto Iturralde, Solutions Architect. Today’s modern architectures are increasingly microservices-based, with separate engineering teams working independently on services with their own feature requirements and deployment pipelines. The benefits of this approach include increased agility and release velocity. Microservice architectures also come with some challenges, particularly when they make up parts […]

Sharing automated blueprints for Amazon ECS continuous delivery using AWS Service Catalog

This post is contributed by Mahmoud ElZayet | Specialist SA – Dev Tech, AWS   Modern application development processes enable organizations to improve speed and quality continually. In this innovative culture, small, autonomous teams own the entire application life cycle. While such nimble, autonomous teams speed product delivery, they can also impose costs on compliance, […]

Integrating AWS X-Ray with AWS App Mesh

This post is contributed by Lulu Zhao | Software Development Engineer II, AWS   AWS X-Ray helps developers and DevOps engineers quickly understand how an application and its underlying services are performing. When it’s integrated with AWS App Mesh, the combination makes for a powerful analytical tool. X-Ray helps to identify and troubleshoot the root […]

Python 3.7 runtime now available in AWS Lambda

This post is courtesy of Shivansh Singh, Partner Solutions Architect – AWS We are excited to announce that you can now develop your AWS Lambda functions using the Python 3.7 runtime. Start using this new version today by specifying a runtime parameter value of “python3.7″ when creating or updating functions. AWS continues to support creating new […]

Scanning Docker Images for Vulnerabilities using Clair, Amazon ECS, ECR, and AWS CodePipeline

Post by Vikrama Adethyaa, Solution Architect and Tiffany Jernigan, Developer Advocate Update – July 26, 2021 – While this post remains accurate, we want to make it clear that we did announce built in image scanning in Amazon ECR in October 2019. The built in integration provides a simpler solution than what is in this post. […]