AWS Compute Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Serverless Automated Cost Controls, Part1

This post courtesy of Shankar Ramachandran, Pubali Sen, and George Mao In line with AWS’s continual efforts to reduce costs for customers, this series focuses on how customers can build serverless automated cost controls. This post provides an architecture blueprint and a sample implementation to prevent budget overruns. This solution uses the following AWS products: […]

Event-Driven Computing with Amazon SNS and AWS Compute, Storage, Database, and Networking Services

Contributed by Otavio Ferreira, Manager, Software Development, AWS Messaging Like other developers around the world, you may be tackling increasingly complex business problems. A key success factor, in that case, is the ability to break down a large project scope into smaller, more manageable components. A service-oriented architecture guides you toward designing systems as a collection of […]

Cross-Account Integration with Amazon SNS

Contributed by Zak Islam, Senior Manager, Software Development, AWS Messaging Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fully managed AWS service that makes it easy to decouple your application components and fan-out messages. SNS provides topics (similar to topics in message brokers such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ) that you can use to create 1:1, 1:N, or […]

Messaging Fanout Pattern for Serverless Architectures Using Amazon SNS

Sam Dengler, Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Serverless architectures allow solution builders to focus on solving challenges particular to their business, without assuming the overhead of managing infrastructure in AWS. AWS Lambda is a service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. When using Lambda in a serverless architecture, the goal should […]