AWS Compute Blog

Building Modern Applications with Amazon EKS on Amazon Outposts

This post is written by Brad Kirby, Principal Outposts Specialist, and Chris Lunsford, Senior Outposts SA.  Customers are modernizing applications by deconstructing monolithic architectures and migrating application components into container–based, service-oriented, and microservices architectures. Modern applications improve scalability, reliability, and development efficiency by allowing services to be owned by smaller, more focused teams. This post […]

Blurred faces output

Creating a serverless face blurring service for photos in Amazon S3

A serverless face blurring service can provide a simpler way to process photos in workloads with large amounts of traffic. This post introduces an example application that blurs faces when images are saved in an S3 bucket. The S3 PutObject event invokes a Lambda function that uses Amazon Rekognition to detect faces and GraphicsMagick to process the images.

Schema validation

Managing federated schema with AWS Lambda and Amazon S3

Schema Management is a non-trivial challenge in federated GQL systems. The highest risk to your system availability comes with the potential of introducing breaking schema change by one of the graphlets. Your system cannot serve any requests after that. There is the problem of the delayed feedback loop for the engineers working on schema changes and the impact of schema composition during runtime on the service latency.

new testing pyramid

Getting started with testing serverless applications

Testing is an essential step in the software development lifecycle. Through the different types of tests, you validate user experience, performance, and detect bugs in your code. Features should not be considered done until all of the corresponding tests are written. The distributed nature of serverless architectures separates your application logic from other concerns like […]

Optimize costs by up to 70% with new Amazon T3 Dedicated Hosts

This post is written by Andy Ward, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, and Yogi Barot, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect. Customers have been taking advantage of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Dedicated Hosts to enable them to use their eligible software licenses from vendors such as Microsoft and Oracle since the feature launched in 2015. Amazon EC2 Dedicated […]