AWS Compute Blog

Tag: automation

AWS Local Zones how it works

AWS Local Zones and AWS Outposts, choosing the right technology for your edge workload

This blog post is written by Joe Sacco, Senior Technical Account Manager. The AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure includes 30 Launched Regions, 96 Availability Zones (AZs), 410+ Points of Presence with 400+ Edge Locations, and 13 Regional Edge Caches.  With over 200 AWS services, most customer workloads can run in the AWS Regions. However, for some […]

Tracking the latest server images in Amazon EC2 Image Builder pipelines

This post courtesy of Anoop Rachamadugu, Cloud Architect at AWS The Amazon EC2 Image Builder service helps users to build and maintain server images. The images created by EC2 Image Builder can be used with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and on-premises. Image Builder reduces the effort of keeping images up-to-date and secure by providing […]

Bi directional event orchestration with Amazon EventBridge

Building an automated knowledge repo with Amazon EventBridge and Zendesk

Zendesk Guide is a smart knowledge base that helps customers harness the power of institutional knowledge. It enables users to build a customizable help center and customer portal. This post shows how to implement a bidirectional event orchestration pattern between AWS services and an Amazon EventBridge third-party integration partner. This example uses support ticket events […]

Using artificial intelligence to detect product defects with AWS Step Functions

Factories that produce a high volume of inventory must ensure that defective products are not shipped. This is often accomplished with human workers on the assembly line or through computer vision. You can build an application that uses a custom image classification model to detect and report back any defects in a product, then takes […]

Orchestrating a security incident response with AWS Step Functions

In this post I will show how to implement the callback pattern of an AWS Step Functions Standard Workflow. This is used to add a manual approval step into an automated security incident response framework. The framework could be extended to remediate automatically, according to the individual policy actions defined. For example, applying alternative actions, or […]