AWS Contact Center

Category: Thought Leadership

Click to Call in Amazon Connect

Customers can try to find answers on company websites or mobile app before contacting customer service. Customer experience executives have struggled to carry that web or mobile click-stream behavior and context into the contact center interaction. The idea of creating a continuation of customer journey from web/mobile into the contact center for personalization, automation, and […]

Amazon Connect adds new capabilities to improve contact center productivity and customer experiences

Amazon Connect Cases (Available in GA) Amazon Connect Cases is a new case management feature built into Amazon Connect that makes it easy for contact center agents to track, collaborate on, and resolve customer cases quickly. Case management is an essential aspect of customer service operations that enables contact center agents to reduce resolution time […]

Eyewitness to history: Watching as the cloud transforms customer experience

A contact center solution and a contact center career, on parallel trajectories Today, customer experience (CX) is the fate of the business. In a more virtual world where customers and sellers interact less often in person, the contact center is the CX. The cloud has driven a dual paradigm shift, elevating not only what customers […]

How to protect against spam calls for click-to-dial

Amazon Connect customers can configure click-to-dial functionality on their website using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API. This enables agents to reach out to callers located in a much wider global area, without requiring Amazon Connect customers to provision numbers in several regions. This provides a frictionless experience where customers provide a phone number and Amazon Connect initiates […]

Three signature Amazon Connect moments from 2021

At the outset of 2021, businesses and customers looked forward to returning to ‘normal’ business operations and customer interactions. For contact center leaders, anticipating and responding to ever-changing customer needs remains a top business priority. Along with continuous change, continuous innovation has also become the norm – thanks in a big way to cloud-driven digital […]

Create action item reminders with Amazon Connect Tasks and Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Contact center agents are frequently asked to document customer conversations by logging the interaction reason (or the issue), the outcome of the call, and in many cases, and follow-up action items. The data collection is essential for tracking the customer satisfaction and agent performance, but it takes a toll on the agent average handling time […]

Amazon Connect is changing expectations with customer relationships

Contact centers are commonly seen as cost centers—and have evolved over the last few years into multichannel customer service platforms that also drive service and sales. Organizations try to optimize the costs of running contact centers down to fractions of percentage points. The largest expense is usually human cost, a blend of employee salaries and […]

Chat for Modern CX Leaders: Make Chat a Part of Your Omni-Channel Activities to Maximize ROI

Did you know that chat adoption in customer experience (CX) programs grew by 209% between 2012 and 2020? Aberdeen’s January 2012 CX study shows that only 33% of firms were using chat in their CX programs as of 2012. According to Aberdeen’s 2020 CX survey, that has increased to 69% of all organizations — more […]

How COVID-19 has changed the way customer service leaders think about contact centers

Global emergencies dramatically shift daily routines, forcing companies to react quickly to change the way they support employees and customers. COVID-19 has changed the way we work, including the contact center space. Despite the benefits of cloud contact centers, many organizations don’t have the solutions to support virtual contact centers. This leaves companies maintaining buildings […]