AWS Contact Center

Supervisor barge for voice calls with Amazon Connect

To build a customer centric culture many organizations have altered their efforts to focus on differentiating their customer experiences. Wowing your customers through the contact center will make it easy for your customers to continue to do business, engage, and build loyalty with you. Amazon is excited to announce Supervisor Barge for Amazon Connect Voice […]

Displaying position in queue for chat customers

When customers reach out for support using chat they will often need support from an agent. Setting expectations on when an agent will be available to assist helps keep customers engaged. Contact centers can inform customers about their position in queue to keep the customer informed. Using this solution, you can keep your Amazon Connect […]

How to programmatically access Amazon Connect Rules using APIs

Many businesses today use Amazon Connect Rules, a feature of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, through Amazon Connect console for creating and managing rules. This restricts businesses who want to manage the automation of rules creation and management from any home-grown or third-party solution outside of the Amazon Connect console. Amazon Connect Rules now launched […]

Create, update, and check the status of Amazon Connect Cases using Amazon Connect Contact Flows

Often, contact center agents need to handle complex issues that require multiple interactions, research, and detailed tracking and notation of next steps and status. For example, IT organizations need to be able to track troubleshooting steps, milestones, actions taken, and results of actions. Case management tools provide a solution that consolidates history of a specific […]

Leverage conversational analytics for chat interactions using Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

In many contact centers, a large amount of invaluable communication resides in chat interactions that can dictate the image of an organization. Deriving conversational analytics from these chat interactions can help identify crucial product feedback, improve agent enablement, and boost overall customer experience for a business. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect recently announced general availability […]

Getting started with ML-powered Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling

Contact centers represent one of the most important touch points for businesses to resolve customer issues. When customers need assistance, it is critical for contact centers to have the right agents available to provide a positive customer experience. Ensuring the right agents are staffed at the right time requires contact center managers to consider an […]

Build a multi-region resilient contact center with Amazon Connect global resiliency

Overview Businesses and enterprises that offer customer service are often required to support their customers 24/7. This makes it possible for businesses to handle urgent and important calls, and provides customers the option to call in at their convenience.  When support services aren’t available or they fall offline, businesses are at risk of customers getting disconnected, or […]

Use Alexa devices to initiate customer service with Amazon Connect

Introduction Customers expect multiple channel options when contacting customer service departments. Amazon Alexa smart speakers have become increasingly popular in households globally. Contact center innovators can exceed customer expectations by enabling Alexa as an additional channel with Amazon Connect. Adding Alexa as a channel will provide customers with additional choice and convenience, resulting in a […]

Your guide to Amazon Connect at re:Invent 2022

Amazon Connect has an amazing lineup at re:Invent this year, with over 30 sessions spanning Business Applications, Industry, and Partner tracks! With new launches, leadership sessions, breakouts, workshops, and an in-person customer reception, there will be something to do for everyone. Here is a guide to help you build your agenda and get the most […]

Caller Scheduled Callback in Amazon Connect

Introduction Contact center managers are always looking for ways to reduce the time callers spend in a queue waiting for available agents. Providing a callback option significantly improves the customer experience and optimizes the operational costs of your contact center. Callback capabilities are offered natively with Amazon Connect. Callers leave their phone number so the […]