
Category: AWS Fargate

Announcing AWS App Runner Private Services

Earlier this year we announced the general availability of App Runner VPC support. This feature enabled your services to communicate with databases and other applications hosted in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Today, we released App Runner private services, and now customers can strengthen the security posture of their applications and meet their […]

Reducing AWS Fargate Startup Times with zstd Compressed Container Images

Reducing AWS Fargate Startup Times with zstd Compressed Container Images

Updated Oct. 19, 2022: Amazon ECR’s Enhanced Scanning, powered by AWS Inspector, now supports scanning zstd compressed container images AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containerized workloads running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Once a containerized workload has been scheduled by a container orchestrator, […]

Read our blog post about optimizing your Spring Boot application for AWS Fargate.

Optimize your Spring Boot application for AWS Fargate

Update: Spring Boot has been updated to version 3, which also means that Amazon Corretto 17 is used as JDK for all versions. Fast startup times are key to quickly react to disruptions and demand peaks, and they can increase the resource efficiency. With AWS Fargate, you don’t need to take care of the underlying […]

Read the blog post about migrating and modernizing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) workloads onto AWS container services.

Migrating and modernizing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) workloads onto AWS container services

Introduction Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework created by Microsoft in 2008 for building service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. It provides a set of libraries for building web services, using different network protocols to send and receive data between service endpoints. With the introduction of .NET Core in 2016 and the emergence of microservices, our […]

Leverage AWS secrets stores from EKS Fargate with External Secrets Operator

Leverage AWS secrets stores from EKS Fargate with External Secrets Operator

Secrets management is a challenging but critical aspect of running secure and dynamic containerized applications at scale. To support this need to securely distribute secrets to running applications, Kubernetes provides native functionality to manage secrets in the form of Kubernetes Secrets. However, many customers choose to centralize the management of secrets outside of their Kubernetes […]

Title img: Actuate uses AWS Fargate for ML-based, real-time video monitoring and threat detection

Actuate uses AWS Fargate for ML-based, real-time video monitoring and threat detection

This post was written in collaboration with Scott Underwood, Jacob Weiss, Tatiana Hanazaki, and Mark Berbera from Actuate AI. The goal at Actuate AI is to leverage technology to make the world a safer place. Our team at Actuate AI aims to do that by using cutting-edge computer vision to reduce the response time of […]

Title image for Track costs with detailed billing reports for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate

Track costs with detailed billing reports for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate

Many AWS customers use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to run container workloads on AWS Fargate because it offers reduced operational complexity with right-sized, on-demand compute for containers. As customers scale their deployments on Fargate, they have expressed a need to track consumption with more specificity, such as usage from individual pods, namespaces, clusters, […]

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Save the date: AWS Containers events in May

The AWS Containers team has been busy since we’ve seen you last at re:Invent 2021! We’re excited to bring you two free online events in May to share the latest and greatest on Containers at AWS. AWS Container Day @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe is happening May 10th-13th & 17th, 1700 – 1900 CEST. This […]

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Shipping logs to third-parties with Kinesis Data Firehose and Fluent Bit for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a technology that provides on-demand capacity for running pods on EKS clusters. Fargate provides a more hands-off experience, helping you run container applications without needing to manage the EC2 instances underneath. AWS Fargate runs each Kubernetes pod in its own isolated security boundary. This means it has a slightly different operating model […]