
Category: Compute

Getting started with task networking on Amazon ECS with Windows containers

Today, AWS launched the support of awsvpc network mode for Windows workloads running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This feature brings EC2 networking capabilities to Windows tasks running on Amazon ECS by associating each task with its own elastic network interface (ENI). In this post, we will walk through the steps for using […]

Capturing logs at scale with Fluent Bit and Amazon EKS

Earlier this year, AWS support engineers noticed an uptick in customers experiencing Kubernetes API server slowness with their Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters. Seasoned Kubernetes users know that a slow Kubernetes API server is often indicative of a large, overloaded cluster or a malfunctioning controller. Once support engineers ruled out cluster size as […]

Persistent Storage using EFS for EKS on Bottlerocket

In this post, we discuss about how to achieve persistent storage with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters running on Bottlerocket OS with Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Persistent storage is needed for long running stateful applications to persist state for high availability or to scale out around shared datasets. This is true […]

Getting started with Bottlerocket and Amazon ECS

Last week we announced the general availability of the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)-optimized Bottlerocket AMI and Bottlerocket support for Amazon ECS is now generally available. Bottlerocket is an open source project that focuses on security and maintainability, providing a reliable, and consistent Linux distribution for hosting container-based workloads. In this post, I am […]

Fluentd considerations and actions required at scale in Amazon EKS

Fluentd is a popular open source project for streaming logs from Kubernetes pods to different backends aggregators like CloudWatch. It is often used with the kubernetes_metadata filter, a plugin for Fluentd. The filter enriches the logs with basic metadata such as the pod’s namespace, UUIDs, labels, and annotations. It collects this information by querying the […]

Rolling EC2 AMI updates with capacity providers in Amazon ECS

When deploying containers to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), customers have choices as to what level of management they want or need to have over the cluster compute. First there is AWS Fargate, which is a serverless compute engine that removes the need for customers to provision and manage servers. This approach simplifies the […]

A multi-cluster shared services architecture with Amazon EKS using Cilium ClusterMesh

Introduction Over the past couple of years, organizations have increased their pace of Kubernetes adoption. They want to be more agile so they can innovate and deliver new products to the market more efficiently. Among many of the early adopters of the Kubernetes platform, it was not uncommon to operate a single large Kubernetes cluster […]

Setting up a Bottlerocket managed node group on Amazon EKS with Terraform

Introduction Kubernetes, an open-source container management system, has surged in popularity and adoption in the past several years. From startups to large established enterprises across industry verticals are rapidly adopting it for their mission critical tasks and workloads. It is declarative, open source, and highly pluggable. In this blog, we will discuss what is, along […]

Building an Amazon ECS Anywhere home lab with Amazon VPC network connectivity

Since 2014, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) has helped AWS customers orchestrate containerized application deployments across a wide range of different compute environments. Initially, Amazon ECS could only be used with AWS managed compute hardware, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, AWS Fargate, AWS Wavelength, and AWS Outposts. With the general […]

Running WordPress on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate with Amazon EFS

I built my first website back in 1997. It was a fan site for my then favorite musician. I didn’t know much about creating websites, but I had a burning desire to tell the World Wide Web (as if anyone was listening) about my musical preferences. The floppy-disk-booted-PCs in my school’s computer lab ran MS-DOS, […]