
Category: Compute

AWS Secrets Manager controller POC: an EKS operator for automatic rotation of secrets

In an earlier blog post, we showed you how to mount a secret from AWS Secrets Manager using mutating webhooks. If this secret changes when the pod is in running state, the pod can’t capture the change and continues to use the old secret value. One solution is to terminate the pod and then re-create it. […]

Integrate Amazon API Gateway with Amazon EKS

Since 2015, customers have been using Amazon API Gateway to provide scalable and secure entry points for their API services. As customers adopt Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to orchestrate their services, they have asked us how they can use API Gateway to expose their microservices running in Kubernetes. This post shows you how […]

Running Airflow Workflow Jobs on Amazon EKS with EC2 Spot Instances

Apache Airflow is an open-source distributed workflow management platform for authoring, scheduling, and monitoring multi-stage workflows. It is designed to be extensible, and it’s compatible with several services like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon EC2. Many AWS customers choose to run Airflow on containerized environments with […]

Automated software delivery using Docker Compose and Amazon ECS

Note: Docker Compose’s integration with Amazon ECS has been deprecated and is retiring in November 2023   In November 2020, Docker Compose for Amazon ECS became generally available. It is now even easier for a developer to take a containerized microservices-based application from their workstation and deploy it straight to the AWS Cloud. Developers can now run […]

Using Dex & dex-k8s-authenticator to authenticate to Amazon EKS

This post was contributed by Márk Sági-Kazár, Jeremy Cowan, and Jimmy Ray. Introduction In an earlier post, Paavan Mistry introduced us to the OIDC identity provider (IdP) authentication for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), a feature that allows you to use an OIDC identity provider with new or existing clusters. Before launching this feature, […]

Building container images on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate

Building container images is the process of packaging an application’s code, libraries, and dependencies into reusable file systems. Developers create a Dockerfile alongside their code that contains all the commands to assemble a container image. This Dockerfile is then used to produce a container image using a container image builder tool, such as the one […]

Managing compute for Amazon ECS clusters with capacity providers.

Customers running containers are often challenged with having to manage and understand how to run and scale the compute for their clusters. For customers taking advantage of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWS Fargate, the burden is lifted as the underlying compute layer is fully managed by AWS, enabling the customer to focus […]

Preparing for Kubernetes API deprecations when going from 1.15 to 1.16

Note: The contents of this blog are no longer up to date as the referenced Amazon EKS Kubernetes version is no longer supported. Refer to the Amazon EKS Kubernetes versions AWS documentation for up to date information on supported Amazon EKS Kubernetes versions.   The way that Kubernetes evolves and introduces new features is via […]

How Vanguard uses AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch to improve observability for Amazon ECS cloud applications

This post was contributed by Jeffrey Emberger, Technical Lead, The Vanguard Group and John Formento, Solutions Architect, AWS. Cloud applications are changing the speed at which companies can deliver new capabilities for their customers. With increased speed comes the need to more quickly, reliably, and inexpensively observe cloud application health. Observability is no longer an […]