AWS Database Blog

Category: Blockchain

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 3

In Part 1 of this series, we gave a high-level introduction to the AWS Nitro System and explained why Nitro is well suited for flexible and secure blockchain key management workloads. In Part 2, we guided you through the steps to configure aspects like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key policies and how to […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we provided a high-level introduction to the AWS Nitro System and explained why Nitro is well suited for flexible and secure blockchain key management workloads. In this post, we guide you through the steps to configure aspects like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key policies and how to […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 1

Public blockchains are used for a variety of use cases, like decentralized finance (DeFi) apps, non-fungible token (NFT) apps, or cross-border payments. Blockchains differ in their protocol and consensus design, implementation language, and smart contract capabilities. Determining how external participants can be incentivized to join a network running their own node is key in economic […]

Store off-chain data using Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon S3: Part 2

This is the second post of a two-part series that covers how to store off-chain data using Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This post builds on the solution setup outlined in Part 1. In Part 1, we presented a solution that implements off-chain storage for non-transactional data using Amazon S3, […]

Notarize documents on the Ethereum Blockchain

Companies working in the public sector must often certify that their work complies with required standards and regulations. They must be auditable by external parties and accountable to the general public. Such companies often use a trusted third party that attests to certain attributes of documentation, such as its timestamp or authorship. Blockchains can automate […]

Automate Ethereum node validator deployment on Amazon EC2 using AWS CDK

Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality. The Beacon chain (ETH2) is an upgrade to Ethereum that introduced a proof-of-stake concept to the Ethereum ecosystem. Staking in ETH2 is done by validators who perform actions such as attestations and block proposal activities to improve the Ethereum network’s security and scalability. Validators in […]

Introducing Hyperledger Fabric 2.2 LTS Support on Amazon Managed Blockchain

As of January 5, 2022, Amazon Managed Blockchain supports the creation of new fully managed Hyperledger Fabric blockchain networks with the current long-term support (LTS) version 2.2. The milestone upgrade to Hyperledger Fabric 2.x brought a variety of useful features and improvements to Hyperledger Fabric, including refinements to features added in 1.4, and subsequent 2.1 […]

Reference architecture

Develop a full stack serverless NFT application with Amazon Managed Blockchain – Part 2

This post builds upon the full-stack non-fungible token (NFT) development environment setup outlined in a previous post, which is considered a prerequisite to the topics we discuss in this post. Part 1 discussed how to set up a development environment; in this post we walk you through a complete NFT marketplace application using Amazon Managed […]

Store off-chain data using Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon S3: Part 1

Blockchain allows organizations to build applications where multiple parties can securely and transparently run transactions and share data without needing a trusted, central authority. Each member of the network has a copy of this transactional data. This is called on-chain data. Organizations often also want to store additional data along with the transactional data. For […]