AWS Database Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Convert JSON SQL queries from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database

Customers use semi-structured or unstructured data storage for various business use cases, which is schema-less and flexible in nature. One such type of semi-structured data is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON stores data in the form of KEY, VALUE, LIST, and ARRAY formats. Oracle Database stores JSON object data in CLOB data type columns. PostgreSQL […]

Migrate from SQL Server to Amazon DynamoDB with data transformation using a staging table

With the evolution of microservice-based architectures, organizations are increasingly adopting purpose-built databases. Occasionally, businesses need guidance on which cloud service and solutions are best for them, as well as a plan for helping with the migration. When performing heterogeneous database migrations, you might encounter problems with attribute patterns on NoSQL compared to traditional relational database […]

Schema and code validator for Oracle to Oracle post-migration

Most migrations from on-premises Oracle to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle use EXPDP/IMPDB or Transportable Tablespaces using RMAN. Depending on the size and complexity, migrations are often split at the schema level and table level. In this post, we present a solution to help you identify missing schema objects in the target […]

Securely connect to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL with AWS Session Manager and IAM authentication

Company policies usually do not allow database instances to have a public endpoint unless there is a specific business requirement. Although that protects those resources from public access over the internet, it also limits how users can connect to them from their computers. Frequently, database administrators and development teams try to overcome that restriction by […]

Enable efficient load balancing and connection routing for Oracle database workloads in AWS using Global Data Services

Oracle Global Data Services (Oracle GDS) is a specialized service for managing connections in distributed databases within a global environment. It’s designed to provide high availability, scalability, and efficient load balancing across multiple Oracle database instances. Oracle GDS acts as an intermediary layer between application and database tiers, overseeing high availability, optimizing load balancing, and […]

Join SQL Server on AWS to Microsoft Entra Domain Services

Windows Authentication offers a secure and efficient mechanism for authentication management in Microsoft SQL Server. Many customers use Microsoft Entra ID (previously Azure AD) as their identity provider for Windows authentication. With the launch of support to join Amazon RDS for SQL Server to self-managed Active Directory, you can now join your Amazon Relational Database […]

Connect to MySQL and MariaDB from Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using the mysql_fdw extension

When dealing with multiple database engines or schemas that share data with each other, you’re faced with the difficulty of establishing cross-engine database connectivity. To overcome this challenge, PostgreSQL offers foreign data wrappers (FDW), which are libraries that facilitate communication with external data sources by abstracting the complexities of data source connection and data retrieval. […]

Insights into AWS DMS resiliency and recovery scenarios with mitigations – Part 1

When you’re considering migrating from on premises to the AWS Cloud, the spotlight is firmly on database transitions. After you migrate the schemas and business logic, data migration strategies are determined by factors such as available downtime, database size, and data complexity. Homogeneous migrations, like those within Oracle, often rely on tools such as Oracle […]

Insights into AWS DMS resiliency and recovery scenarios with mitigations – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we addressed failures related to the source, network, task, and replication instance when migrating from Oracle to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). In this post, we discuss failure scenarios pertaining to validation and target database failure, and share mitigation […]

Migrate time-series data from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to Amazon Timestream using batch load

Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, fully managed, purpose-built time-series database that makes it straightforward to store and analyze trillions of time-series data points per day. Timestream saves you time and cost in managing the lifecycle of time-series data by keeping recent data in memory and moving historical data to a cost-optimized storage tier based […]