AWS Database Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Build resilient applications with Amazon DynamoDB global tables: Part 3

In the first two posts of this four-part series, you learned how the choice of zonal or Regional services impacts availability and some important characteristics of Amazon DynamoDB when used in a multi-Region context with global tables. Part 1 also covered the motivation for using multiple AWS Regions. Part 2 discussed some important characteristics of […]

Adding real-time machine learning predictions to Amazon Aurora: Part 1

Businesses today want to enhance the data stored in their relational databases and incorporate up-to-the-minute predictions from machine learning (ML) models. However, most ML processing is done offline in separate systems, resulting in delays in receiving ML inferences for use in applications. AWS wants to make it efficient to incorporate real-time model inferences in your […]

Configure a performance testing framework for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

In this post, we demonstrate how you can use AWS CloudFormation, open-source Apache JMeter, and Python to generate a performance testing framework for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition databases. This performance testing model can help you run multiple iterations of load testing on Aurora PostgreSQL and make data-driven decisions regarding the database version, configuration, and instance […]

Migrate Google Cloud for MySQL to Amazon Aurora MySQL using AWS DMS

AWS recently added Google Cloud for MySQL as a source to AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) for MySQL 8.0 and newer. In this post, we demonstrate how you can migrate from Google Cloud for MySQL to Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition in an automated way and minimize downtime using AWS DMS. As of this writing, […]

Backup and restore strategies for large databases on Amazon RDS for SQL Server

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Many of our customers use Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server for their large mission-critical SQL Server databases. Customers have asked for the optimal solution to safeguard their large databases on Amazon RDS for SQL Server to help them meet their requirements for Recovery […]

Migrate Oracle’s XMLDOM package functions to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL using JSON format

Migrating from Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL may be challenging if the application is using the DBMS_XMLDOM package to access XML type objects. This is because the DBMS_XMLDOM package isn’t supported in Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. Moreover, converting procedures to Aurora PostgreSQL […]

Use a self-hosted Active Directory with Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server

Applications utilizing SQL Server can take advantage of integration with Active Directory (AD) and use Windows Authentication. This allows database access to be controlled at the domain level and can simplify account administration. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server supports using AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory for Windows Authentication, and […]

Automated testing of Amazon Neptune data access with Apache TinkerPop Gremlin

Amazon Neptune, a fully managed graph database, is purpose built to work with highly connected data such as relationships between customers and products, or between pieces of equipment within a complex industrial plant. Neptune is designed to support highly concurrent online transaction processing (OLTP) over graph data models. Neptune supports both property graphs, which you […]

Build a geo-location application using Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) supports geospatial functionality, including 2dsphere specialized indexes and the operators for determining proximity, the $nearSphere query operator, and the $geoNear aggregation pipeline stage. After working backward from our customers’ goals for the features they want most, Amazon DocumentDB now also supports two additional operators that are useful for geospatial inclusion […]

Migrate from Oracle RAC to AWS: Alternatives on AWS

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) are a way of accessing a database from multiple database servers. This provides some added high availability (HA) features over a single-instance database. In this post, we talk about why you might choose Oracle RAC for your Oracle databases, and the different ways to implement similar architecture on AWS while […]