AWS Database Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Run a serverless Arbitrum full node on AWS

Over the last 2 years, layer 2 technologies have gained traction and are solving the scaling constraints of Ethereum. L2beat provides a consolidated view of the different layer 2 projects. At the time of writing, Arbitrum represents approximatively half of the market value of layer 2 solutions. AWS offers a variety of services to help […]

Performant, Fine Grained Authorization at scale powered by Amazon DynamoDB

Okta is an identity and access management company. It has established itself as a key player in the digital security landscape. The Okta cloud platform powers thousands of businesses and applications worldwide and offers access management solutions for both workforce and customer identity use cases. The Okta Customer Identity Cloud (CIC) provides robust access management […]

Use AWS Nitro Enclaves to build Cubist CubeSigner, a secure and highly reliable key management platform for Ethereum validators and beyond

Validators are the fundamental building blocks of proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain protocols like Ethereum. They maintain the history of the chain and run the consensus protocol that makes it possible to implement complex decentralized applications—from decentralized finance applications to NFT collectibles. To join the protocol, validators provide assets as collateral, which ensures they behave correctly in […]

How the Amazon Timehub team built a data replication framework using AWS DMS: Part 1

Amazon’s Timehub team builds and supports time systems that pay employees accurately and simplify workforce management for every country where Amazon does business. Timehub helps Amazon deliver on its Leadership Principle to Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer by enabling next-generation workforce management. It helps prevent pay defects through automation of error correction and delivering […]

Implement advanced replication features with Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL using intermediate replication servers

In this post, we show you how to use advanced replication features between MySQL-compatible databases such as Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition clusters or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL instances. We discuss two replication capabilities in Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora: multi-source replication and replication filtering. Multi-source replication is supported only in Amazon […]

How Itaú Bank simplified cryptocurrency custody with Amazon Managed Blockchain Access and Query

In this post, we share how Itaú Unibanco adapted to the growing demand of digital asset services from their customers, and how they used Amazon Managed Blockchain Access, Amazon Managed Blockchain Query, and AWS Nitro Enclaves to quickly bring enterprise-grade innovation to the digital asset space at scale. Adoption trends in Brazil Cryptocurrency adoption is […]

Migrate tables from Microsoft Access to Amazon RDS for MySQL

Microsoft Access can fulfill your small-scale database needs, but you may encounter limitations related to scalability, reliability, security, and performance as the data grows. For instance, state and local government entities often employ Microsoft Access for tasks like inventory management and timesheet maintenance. As data volume expands, you might consider transitioning to a more robust […]

Query transaction finality information from public blockchains using Amazon Managed Blockchain Query

In this post, we provide an overview of an enhancement to Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query which enables you to retrieve data on a public blockchain prior to finalization. AMB Query is a fully managed AWS service that provides high quality blockchain data delivered with sub-second latency to applications via uniform APIs across a number […]

Cost optimize database migrations with AWS DMS: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed database migration components, migration cost and its factors, and how to select right type of AWS DMS instance which determines the capacity of DMS jobs. In this post, we focus on how to regularly evaluate the AWS DMS instance size and scale up or down based on […]

Cost optimize database migrations with AWS DMS: Part 1

In the realm of database migration, achieving cost optimization is paramount. It’s not just about moving data; it’s about doing so in a way that ensures every resource is utilized efficiently, infrastructure expenses are minimized, and the return on investment is maximized. Careful consideration of cost implications and the implementation of strategic measures are key. […]