AWS Database Blog

Run full text search queries on Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) data with Amazon OpenSearch Service

In this post, we show you how to integrate Amazon DocumentDB with Amazon ES so you can run full text search queries over your Amazon DocumentDB data. Specifically, we show you how to use an AWS Lambda function to stream events from your Amazon DocumentDB cluster’s change stream to an Amazon ES domain so you can run full text search queries on the data.

Using Database Mail on Amazon RDS for SQL Server

We’re happy to announce that Amazon RDS for SQL Server now fully supports SQL Server Database Mail. Before this release, you needed to use a variety of work-arounds to enable Database Mail, such as using linked servers. With the release of Database Mail for SQL Server, you can enable Database Mail seamlessly by using database parameter groups. Database Mail is one of the heavily used features in Microsoft SQL Server. Database Mail enables you to send messages from the SQL Server to users by using a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. In this post, you learn how to configure Database Mail and send emails from an RDS for SQL Server DB instance via Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES).

Performing analytics on Amazon Managed Blockchain

Managed Blockchain follows an event-driven architecture. We can open up a wide range of analytic approaches by streaming events to Amazon Kinesis. For instance, we could analyze events in near-real time with Kinesis Data Analytics, perform petabyte scale data warehousing with Amazon RedShift, or use the Hadoop ecosystem with Amazon EMR. This allows us to use the right approach for every blockchain analytics use case.
In this post, we show you one approach that uses Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to capture, monitor, and aggregate events into a dataset, and analyze it with Amazon Athena using standard SQL.

Populating your graph in Amazon Neptune from a relational database using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) – Part 4: Putting it all together

In this four-part series, we cover how to translate a relational data model to a graph data model using a small dataset containing airports and the air routes that connect them. Part one discussed the source data model and the motivation for moving to a graph model. Part two explored mapping our relational data model to a labeled property graph model. Part three covered the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. In this final post, we show how to use AWS DMS to copy data from our relational database to Neptune for both graph data models. You may wish to refer to the first three posts to review the source and target data models.

Populating your graph in Amazon Neptune from a relational database using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) – Part 3: Designing the RDF Model

In this four-part series, we cover how to translate a relational data model to a graph data model using a small dataset containing airports and the air routes that connect them. Part one discussed the source data model and the motivation for moving to a graph model. Part two covered designing the property graph model. In this post, we explore mapping our relational data model to a Resource Description Framework (RDF) model. You may wish to refer to parts one and two of the series to review the model. In part four, we show how to use AWS DMS to copy data from a relational database to Neptune for both graph data models.

Populating your graph in Amazon Neptune from a relational database using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) – Part 2: Designing the property graph model

In this four-part series, we cover how to translate a relational data model to a graph data model using a small dataset containing airports and the air routes that connect them. Part one discussed the source data model and the motivation for moving to a graph model. In this post, we explore mapping our relational data model to a labeled property graph model. You may wish to refer to part one of the series to review the source relational data model. Part three covers the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. In part four, we show how to use AWS DMS to copy data from a relational database to Neptune for both graph data models.

Populating your graph in Amazon Neptune from a relational database using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) – Part 1: Setting the stage

In this four-part series, we cover how to translate a relational data model to a graph data model using a small dataset containing airports and the air routes that connect them. Part one discusses the source data model and the motivation for moving to a graph model. We discuss this for the labeled property graph in part two and for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model in part three. In part four, we show how to use AWS DMS to copy data from a relational database to Neptune for both graph data models.