AWS Database Blog

Migration options for MySQL to Amazon RDS for MySQL or Amazon Aurora MySQL

MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational databases in the world. Many customers choose to run their MySQL workload in Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL because it takes care of heavy lifting tasks such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, configuration, monitoring, backups, and scaling. Amazon Aurora is a great […]

Use Amazon QLDB as an immutable key-value store with a REST API and JSON

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB) is a fully managed ledger database service. It’s very helpful when you need to keep your data immutable and maintain a cryptographically verifiable transaction log of all changes made to it. For example, when you need to track data that will be audited in the future, such as financial […]

IAM authentication with Amazon RDS for MariaDB

In 2018, we introduced the ability to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication to manage database access for Amazon Relational Database Service for MySQL (Amazon RDS for MySQL), Amazon Relational Database Service for PostgreSQL (Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL), Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition. This feature allows you to use […]

Rethink Oracle Standard Edition Two on Amazon RDS for Oracle

Organizations are adopting the cloud as the standard and actively evaluating their database needs. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle is a managed service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Oracle deployments in the cloud. This helps migrate your legacy Oracle database to Amazon RDS for Oracle and, as […]

How to sign Ethereum EIP-1559 transactions using AWS KMS

Ethereum is a popular public blockchain that enables you to create decentralized applications across a variety of use cases. In 2020 and 2021, it became widely used for decentralized finance (DeFi) apps and non-fungible token (NFT) apps. Due to its permissionless nature, it’s available to every user by just setting up an Ethereum account. These […]

Integrate Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle with Amazon EFS

As customers migrate their Oracle databases to the AWS Cloud, they often need a shared file system to be available on their Oracle database systems either to share files between the database and application servers or as a staging location to keep backups, data loads, and more. Amazon RDS Custom automates database administration tasks and […]

Amazon DynamoDB session videos from AWS re:Invent 2021

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale and is used by many of the world’s most demanding applications. This blog post recaps the keynotes and breakout sessions that featured DynamoDB at AWS re:Invent 2021, including links to watch the videos on-demand. The 10th annual conference […]

Part 2: Audit Aurora PostgreSQL databases using Database Activity Streams and pgAudit

Many organizations these days have a mandate to comply with database regulatory and compliance requirements. Storing and using relevant metadata for these requirements has become extremely important. This is the second of a two-part post. In Part 1, we discussed two approaches to audit Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition databases: the Database Activity Streams feature and […]

Part 1: Audit Aurora PostgreSQL databases using Database Activity Streams and pgAudit

In light of today’s burgeoning data growth, the need for storing, sharing, protecting, and using data is becoming more challenging and complicated. Many enterprise organizations have mandates to comply with database regulatory and compliance requirements, which are of paramount importance. Storing relevant data from an auditing standpoint is another important requirement. In this post, we […]

Combine Amazon Neptune and Amazon OpenSearch Service for geospatial queries

Many AWS customers are looking to solve their business problems by storing and integrating data across a combination of purpose-built databases. The reason for that is purpose-built databases provide innovative ways to build data access patterns that would be challenging or inefficient to solve otherwise. For example, we can model highly connected geospatial data as […]