Desktop and Application Streaming

Category: Amazon AppStream 2.0

AWS End User Cpmuting Innovation Day

AWS End User Computing Innovation Day 2023: Architecting end-user computing environments for change and agility

IT teams responsible for end-user computing services face an environment of constant and rapid change—making it challenging to provide the tools employees need to do their jobs.  Regardless of the size of organization or the industry, well-architected end-user computing solutions are optimized for agility, security, and cost-effectiveness. Join us on September 13, 2023, at 10:00am […]


Infor accelerates time to market by converting application to SaaS with Amazon AppStream 2.0

Infor, founded in 2002 and headquartered in New York City, is a global leader in ERP and industry-specific cloud software products. With over 65,000 customers in 177 countries across the globe, Infor uses Amazon AppStream 2.0 to cost effectively deliver a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) version of their construction payroll application to customers. Opportunity | Meet customer […]

How to use automation to optimize and control cost of Amazon AppStream 2.0

As the demand for applications grow, the need to optimize and control the cost of Amazon AppStream 2.0 Fleet resources evolves. Through automation of AWS serverless services, you can control the cost of AppStream 2.0 Fleets. In this blog I will discuss how to use a billing alarm to get an alert when AppStream cost […]

Architecture diagram

Track user processes in Amazon AppStream 2.0 sessions

Introduction Many customers utilizing Amazon AppStream 2.0 want to track employee usage of specific applications. This data can be used to track the frequency/duration of application use, and help optimize licensing costs. In addition, built-in AppStream 2.0 usage reports record applications launched from the application catalog, but not applications launched from desktop shortcuts or from other applications. This […]

Providing hands-on technical experience at Parkway Schools with AppStream 2.0

As the demand for technology-based jobs continues to grow, the need for career and technical education (CTE) as well as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) based curriculum continues to evolve in the classroom to prepare students for their careers. In addition to making improvements in classroom curriculum, K12 organizations have been seeking alternative methods […]

Use AWS Lambda to adjust scaling steps and thresholds for Amazon AppStream 2.0

This blog post walks you through creating an event driven solution with AWS Lambda to change your AppStream 2.0 auto scaling policy based on time of day. With Amazon AppStream 2.0’s Fleet Auto Scaling capabilities you can adjust the size of your AppStream 2.0 fleet automatically to match user demand. However, with certain usage patterns, […]

Manage Aurora databases using an AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleet

Customers are migrating from commercial databases to open-source databases on AWS like Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL. As a best practice, customers configure these databases to be running in a private subnet within an Amazon VPC. When database administrators (DBA) have to perform admin activities on these databases they log in to a […]

Streamline application onboarding with applications manager for Amazon AppStream 2.0

Amazon AppStream 2.0 applications manager is a feature that streamlines the process of creating an app block. With applications manager, you create and connect to an app block builder instance and utilize the new application builder assistant to monitor your application installation. This new feature expands application compatibility with elastic fleets as well as reduces […]

Design considerations in highly regulated environments for Certificate Based Authentication with AppStream 2.0 and WorkSpaces

Increasingly organizations are standardizing on SAML 2.0 Identity Providers such as AWS IAM Identity Center and OKTA as their identity solution to access end user computing (EUC) services in AWS. With Certificate-based authentication (CBA), organizations can provide seamless authentication for our EUC services. Traditionally, the logon experience to a virtual desktop works by using the […]

AWS Summit Washington, DC: What’s new with AWS and End User Computing (EUC) services

At the upcoming AWS Summit in Washington, DC, Tushar Dhanani and I are hosting a chalk talk (session EUC 201) focused on what’s new with AWS and End User Computing (EUC) services. In this chalk talk, we will provide a high-level overview of AWS EUC services and new features for Amazon WorkSpaces Family services and […]