Desktop and Application Streaming

Connect Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to Amazon AppStream 2.0 Linux instances

Customers use Amazon AppStream 2.0 to deploy fleets of virtualized desktops and applications to their end customers, and supports a myriad of persistent storage solutions. AppStream 2.0 provides out-of-box functionality with many common storage options for users of your organization such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon WorkDocs, Google Drive for G Suite, and […]

Serverless DCV Resolver Blog

Build a serverless session resolver for your NICE DCV Connection Gateway

Customers are able to implement a custom session resolver for NICE DCV Connection Gateways using serverless AWS services. This approach provides a secure endpoint that resolves DCV connections at scale without requiring dedicated infrastructure. Administrators benefit from the built-in high availability, increase in agility, and cost optimizations offered by serverless technology. End users connecting through […]

Automation of infrastructure and application deployment for Amazon AppStream 2.0 with Terraform

Cloud native application streaming enables end users to access native applications from any device, anywhere, and any time. Amazon AppStream 2.0 service enables application vendors and organizations to simplify and accelerate their native application delivery. As the demand for this service grows, the need to fully automate the deployment gains significance. Orchestrating AppStream 2.0 end-to-end […]

Optimize end user experience for Zoom® on Amazon AppStream 2.0

Customers using Amazon AppStream 2.0 frequently encounter end user experience challenges while using collaboration tools like Zoom®. It can be mitigated by adhering to key recommendations and best practices that can significantly streamline the operations related to AppStream 2.0 environment. In this blog, we will delve into a similar scenario in one of our global […]

Getting Started with Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client

Increasingly, organizations are considering ways to move away from the deployment and management of traditional thick client endpoints. Factors such as cost, increased security, and a desire for flexibility and simplified management are key drivers for a growing number of customers. Additionally, with the advent of End User Computing services in the cloud, organizations are […]

Creating custom CloudWatch dashboards

Creating custom Amazon CloudWatch dashboards and widgets for Amazon WorkSpaces

Customers often ask how to gain additional insights into their Amazon WorkSpaces operating system resource utilization, such as CPU utilization and memory consumption. In addition, they want to use these metrics with Amazon CloudWatch dimensions to dive into trends and compare WorkSpaces instances.  In a previous blog, we highlighted how to use CloudWatch to understand […]

Collaborative Neuron Tracing on AWS

HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia has an integrated team of lab scientists and tool-builders who pursue a small number of scientific questions with potential for transformative impact. To drive science forward, we share our methods, results, and tools with the scientific community. Introduction To study how the brain works, researchers often begin with […]


Automate copy of Amazon WorkSpaces tags to hybrid activation resources in AWS Systems Manager

AWS Systems Manager allows customers to manager their Amazon WorkSpaces using hybrid activation managed nodes. Systems Manager provides software inventories, OS patches, and configuration of Windows and Linux WorkSpaces, but it is difficult to identify and map managed node to the corresponding WorkSpaces without any tags. This is a time-consuming process in large organizations where […]

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Considerations for a successful Amazon WorkSpaces migration to WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol

Introduction A successful Amazon WorkSpaces migration to WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol v2 (WSP) requires preparation, planning, and testing. WSP is a fundamentally different display protocol than PCoIP, thus consideration should be given to the performance and stability implications of a migration. A  clear understanding of PCoIP and WSP’s differing features, as well as a thorough review […]

AWS and Webex collaborate to improve worker experience

Improve security, cost, and support for contact center agents At AWS, we obsess over our customers, and delighting customers with excellent service builds trust for any organization. In order for contact center agents in any company to deliver great customer service, IT must provide them with easy access to the tools they need to do […]