AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Agile

Wasting Time

Codus Interruptus: Stop Wasting Time

Never waste your time; it is too precious. There are never any guarantees we will have tomorrow. —Catherine Pulsifer, Author “I don’t have enough (fill in the blank)” is a common refrain in the face of new demands. It’s normally followed by that much-loved phrase “We need to prioritise.” I’ve observed that the challenge is […]


The Agile Enterprise

Assume with me that the digital world is a world of fast change. Organizations need to excel at responding quickly to those changes—that’s what we call agility or nimbleness. When it comes to technology, we have well-understood ways of increasing agility and making technology delivery processes lean. Organizations worldwide and in all industries are moving […]


Proven Practices for Developing a Multicloud Strategy

As an Enterprise Strategist, I find multicloud topics come up in many discussions rife with confusion, false certainty, and tentativeness. Companies are bombarded with conflicting messaging telling them either to never adopt a multicloud approach or to not miss out because “everyone is switching to multicloud.” There are good reasons for either pursuing or avoiding […]

Cutting Costs by Cutting Waste

Given today’s economic uncertainties, many companies are focused on ways to reduce—or at least control—their costs. Their approaches are often based on the traditional idea of controlling costs through the mechanism of budgets. “Let’s find places to cut a budget and force the manager working with that budget to find savings.” Often, the easiest areas […]

The how for DT

Digital Transformation: The Why, Who, How, and What – Part 3, “The How”

In part one, ‘The Why’ blog post, we discussed why digital transformation is needed for organizations, followed up by part two, ‘The Who’, which covered how successful organizations are rethinking their approach to organizational structure, learning, innovation, and culture. In this blog post, we dive deeper into the process of digital transformation. Contemporary Process Requirements […]

Why Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation: The Why, Who, How, and What – Part 1, “The Why”

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to its customers. It involves the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, changing how the business operates and how it delivers value to its customers. This process can be challenging and disruptive, […]

Steps via the Journey pic

Four Steps Toward Digital Government

Four Steps Toward Digital Government Many of the challenges that governments face in their digital transformations are common in private sector entities as well. But government agencies are constrained in ways that make it more difficult to address those challenges. When I was the CIO of US Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of […]

The CPO-CIO Partnership Part 2: Taking the Gloves Off

The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back. —Peter Senge       A CIO is hired and charged with “fixing IT.” They launch a major reorganisation based on a desire to be an agile, digital-first, data-enabled, platform-based organisation (thank you, Dilbert). IT-staffed product teams are created, although bereft of the outsourced infrastructure […]