AWS for Industries

How to Network Your Smart Store to AWS_feature card

How to Network Your Smart Store to AWS

The emergence of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Smart Store solutions has opened up a new world of possibilities for retailers. In order to take full advantage of these solutions, retailers need to optimize their network infrastructure. As retailers increasingly digitize their operations and move more services to the cloud, security and network infrastructure become major […]

Predictive Maintenance for Semiconductor Manufacturers with SEEQ powered by AWS

Introduction Semiconductor chips have become an indispensable part of our lives with the advancements driven by technologies like 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML). Semiconductor chips power a broad range of devices, including consumer devices, automobiles, smart cities and homes, data centers, and more. The increased demand for […]

Figure 1 Scopes 1, 2, and 3 of emissions sources

Transforming ESG insights into strategic advantages using PwC’s ESG Insight Analyzer on AWS

Overview As companies adapt to an ever-evolving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulatory landscape, they are simultaneously grappling with pressure from stakeholders to accelerate progress on ESG metrics. At the same time, responsibilities to drive value and deliver profits remain unchanged. Customers across industries have expressed concerns about keeping up with these diverse demands. One […]

Daikin uses AWS to build remote monitoring and predictive maintenance system

About Daikin Daikin is a leading innovator and worldwide provider of advanced, high-quality air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications. They are committed to elevating the quality of air in homes, businesses, and public spaces with a complete line of energy-efficient and intelligent products. As a global leader in HVAC&R applications, they […]

FSI Services Spotlight: Featuring Amazon EMR (Amazon EMR)

Welcome back to the Financial Services Industry (FSI) Service Spotlight monthly blog series. Each month we look at five key considerations that FSI customers should focus on to help streamline cloud service approval for one particular service. Each of the five key considerations includes specific guidance, suggested reference architectures, and technical code that can be […]

CPG Partner Conversations_Anaplan_feature card

CPG Partner Conversations: AI-powered planning with Anaplan for better business results

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies face the challenge of driving sales and profit margins in a volatile market while chasing changing consumer trends. The CPG industry has an opportunity to harness AI (artificial intelligence) to stay ahead of today’s dynamic and competitive market. AI can dramatically impact the CPG industry in key areas, including demand […]

Figure 1 The AWS shared responsibility model and MachineMetrics

Manufacturing analytics in regulated industries with MachineMetrics on AWS

MachineMetrics on AWS supports automated production monitoring and analytics, while maintaining strong security and compliance. Users achieve strong security and compliance at scale, by using underlying MachineMetrics and AWS frameworks. There’s a myth in the life sciences industry that cloud-based solutions threaten compliance due to a lack of security and stability. This level of caution can […]

Implement FAIR scientific data principles when building HCLS data lakes

The FAIR data principles were first proposed in a seminal paper published in 2016 in the Journal Scientific Data. It was written by a group of international experts in data management and curation. To address the challenges that the research community is facing, they proposed FAIR Principles as a framework for making data more discoverable, […]

How to control distributed energy resources using AWS IoT

Controllable distributed energy resources (DERs) are key to the successful transition to a zero-carbon grid. Industry context Distributed energy resources (DERs) are controllable energy assets that can generate, store, or consume energy. Examples of DERs are thermostats, heat pumps, batteries, boilers, electric vehicles (EVs), smart inverters, and so on. The ability to control DERs plays […]

CPGs are using a powerful new Data Products strategy to drive innovation

Amazon Web Services (AWS) works with a vast majority of consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands worldwide—from the digital-native food and beverage brands to the largest fashion and apparel conglomerates. For these firms, integrated data and analytics has been a top investment priority for many years. This trend is only accelerating by the increasing availability of […]