The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS managed services to edge device systems, providing security, message routing, and local state processing. It also provides a central hub for connectivity with other AWS services using AWS Lambda functions. Some edge systems with multiple devices produce high-frequency updates, such as device shadow updates. It can be difficult to determine […]

Designing dataflows for multi-schema messages in AWS IoT Analytics

Designing dataflows for multi-schema messages in AWS IoT Analytics

The AWS IoT Analytics platform offers configurable dataflows for processing messages from IoT devices, which can be either uni-schema or multi-schema. When you have billions of messages and millions of IoT devices, you need efficient designs for message-processing dataflows. In this post, you do a deep dive into various aspects of designing dataflows. You learn […]

Building Edge Solutions on OpenWrt with AWS IoT Greengrass

Hardware and operating systems for edge devices are built and delivered to customers in a wide range of form factors, such as consumer gateways, industrial controllers, and in-vehicle infotainment systems. Original design manufacturers (ODMs) and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) building commercial off-the-shelf products decide which hardware and software combinations to use. System integrators (SIs) developing […]

New edX Course Helps Build AWS IoT Skills

This post is contributed by Maureen Lonergan, Director, AWS Training and Certification AWS Training and Certification now offers a new course through edX entitled AWS IoT: Developing and Deploying an Internet of Things. This self-paced digital course focuses on developing skills to build and deploy Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for industrial, commercial, or consumer […]

Perform OTA Updates on Espressif ESP32 using Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Low Energy

Amazon FreeRTOS 2019.06.00 Major now includes Bluetooth Low Energy MQTT proxy support to simplify tasks such as Wi-Fi provisioning and secure connections to AWS IoT services. The Bluetooth Low Energy feature enables you to build low-power devices that can be paired to a customer’s mobile device for connectivity without requiring Wi-Fi. Devices can communicate using […]

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

2018 saw the fourth year of drought and the worst in recorded history for the city of Cape Town, South Africa. “Day zero” was a term coined by the city for the day when they would have to turn the water off for citizens. Fortunately, “day zero” was never realized, and Cape Town didn’t go […]

How to Install a Face Recognition Model at the Edge with AWS IoT Greengrass

How to Install a Face Recognition Model at the Edge with AWS IoT Greengrass

Editor Note: This post is co-authored by Gong Xinyue, one of Global Accounts Solution Architects. You might already know how to use AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Greengrass for remote device communication and control. With AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning (ML) Inference, you can run machine learning models on your local devices without any […]

Connecting Disparate Industrial Devices and Applications from the Plant Floor to AWS Using KEPServerEX

Connecting Disparate Industrial Devices and Applications from the Plant Floor to AWS Using KEPServerEX

When managing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data, it can be challenging to collect and send this data to the cloud for processing and advanced analytics (for example, to predict quality or equipment failure). There might be many different devices on a manufacturing floor, each with its own protocol. In this blog post, we discuss […]

Automating Security Remediation Using AWS IoT Device Defender

An IoT solution requires managing a large number of devices, usually hundreds of thousands or millions. When you start to work at a large scale, you need to keep your fleet protected by continuously checking if it is following security best practices. It can be challenging for organizations to audit all devices and automatically remediate […]