The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 2)

In this two-part blog post, we propose an AWS IoT AI/ML solution to help our industrial customers for efficiently monitoring industrial assets in a scalable manner. Part 1 of the blog shows: How to create an asset simulator with AWS IoT SiteWise; How to create data pipeline to integrate Amazon Lookout for Equipment with AWS […]

Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 1)

Customers that manage and maintain industrial assets strive to keep them functioning as efficiently as possible, which they can do by monitoring and analyzing the health of their assets. Plant operators measure efficiency with key performance indicators (KPIs) like overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) or mean time before failure (MTBF) and act to improve these metrics […]

Collecting vehicle data more efficiently with AWS IoT FleetWise

Today, we think of connected vehicles as an advanced class of vehicle with internet connectivity. However, we will soon refer to these simply as vehicles, since by 2030, over 95 percent of new vehicles sold globally will be connected to the internet, up from about 50 percent today.¹ Greater vehicle connectivity gives automakers opportunities to […]

Introducing AWS IoT ExpressLink, making it faster and easier to develop secure IoT devices

Introduction Developing and deploying secure IoT products can be challenging. It can often take months, or even years to connect a product securely to the cloud in a way that is scalable and easy to maintain for the life of the product. Today, IoT products require developers to handle a complex software stack and master […]

Dashboard in Grafana of Floor 6 where half of floor is highlighted indicating an issue. Time series graph of temperature illustrating the temperature crossing the alarm threshold

Improving building operational performance with Cognizant 1Facility and AWS IoT TwinMaker

Post also written by Shardul Pradhan and Ramesh Yechangunja from Cognizant Introduction Recent market conditions have stressed the commercial building management market due to the increased cost of construction, reduced occupancy, and increased cost of labor to monitor and maintain buildings. This is fueling the need for smarter and safer buildings. According to research from […]

How to implement zero trust IoT solutions with AWS IoT

Introduction Zero trust is often misunderstood. It’s not a product but a security model and associated set of architectural principles and patterns. One of the main challenges customers face is determining how zero-trust principles can be applied to Internet of Things (IoT) and how to get started with incorporating zero trust with Amazon Web Services […]

AWS IoT Greengrass now supports the Windows operating system

Introduction Microsoft Windows is a common operating system for devices used in industrial automation. Customers using AWS IoT Greengrass have been restricted to Linux based devices until now. Today we are excited to announce native Windows support for AWS IoT Greengrass v2. This will allow customers to leverage AWS IoT Greengrass on their Windows based […]

Find runtime errors in AWS IoT Events detector models using type checking

Customers use AWS IoT Events detector models to describe equipment states and the events that affect these states. A detector model in AWS IoT Events contains expressions written in the AWS IoT Events expression language. An expression can have one of four primitive data types: integer, string, decimal, or Boolean. By checking your expressions for correct […]