Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Database

Fullstack TypeScript: Reintroducing AWS Amplify

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of AWS Amplify Gen 2, a fullstack TypeScript experience for building cloud-connected apps. AWS Amplify helps you accomplish two jobs: Host your web app Build and connect to a cloud backend With Amplify Gen 2, every part of your app’s cloud backend is defined in TypeScript. Need […]

Featured image on how to connect GraphQL API to existing MySQL and PostgreSQL databases

Create a GraphQL API for any existing MySQL and PostgreSQL database

We’re excited to announce a new capability that makes it easy to build scalable, secure GraphQL interfaces over your existing relational databases with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Provide the AWS Amplify GraphQL API CDK construct with your database credentials stored securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as a SecureString, and start authoring your […]

Connect a React app to GraphQL and DynamoDB with AWS CDK and Amplify

Today, we’re excited to announce the official AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) construct for Amplify’s GraphQL APIs capabilities. With Amplify’s GraphQL API CDK construct, you can create a real-time GraphQL API backed by data sources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables or AWS Lambda functions using a single GraphQL schema definition. (View on Construct Hub) Launching […]

Introducing new AWS AppSync module and functions for DynamoDB JavaScript resolvers

This article is written by Kim Wendt, Sr. Solutions Architect AWS AppSync is a service that allows you to build, manage, and host GraphQL APIs in the cloud. With AppSync, you simply write your GraphQL schema and connect to data sources using resolvers. Resolvers are how AppSync translates GraphQL requests to retrieve information from the […]

Access data in Amazon Timestream with AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync is a fully managed serverless GraphQL API service that simplifies application development by providing a single endpoint to securely query or update data from multiple databases, microservices, and APIs. Many organizations across different industry verticals (e.g., health care, manufacturing, energy generation, and transportation) use a stream of data to improve efficiencies of business […]

AWS AppSync now supports projection expressions in DynamoDB resolvers

AWS AppSync now supports projection expressions in DynamoDB resolvers

AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that makes it easy to create and manage GraphQL and real-time APIs. Now, AWS AppSync API developers who use DynamoDB data sources can define projection expressions in their DynamoDB resolvers. Before today, DynamoDB resolvers for AWS AppSync APIs would retrieve all the attributes from a DynamoDB table. Now, […]

Featured image for real-time multi-group auth

NEW: Real-time multi-group app with AWS Amplify GraphQL – Build a “Twitter Community” clone

In a recent industry survey, over 66.6% (up from 59.7% in 2019) of JavaScript developers have used real-time technologies. Multiplayer apps makes your app more delightful and drives more organic adoption through user collaboration. With today’s launch, AWS Amplify enables developers to configure dynamic multi-group authorization for real-time subscriptions. This is part three of a […]

Backends for Frontends Pattern

In this blog post, we describe how you can improve end-user customer experience on your User Interfaces (UI) by implementing the Backend for Frontend pattern and providing real-time visual updates when your microservices raise events about mutations in their domain aggregates. The solution proposed combines two patterns: 1) the Backends for Frontends (BFF) pattern, where […]

Build real-time multi-user experiences using GraphQL on AWS Amplify

Today, AWS Amplify announces new real-time authorization capabilities enabling developers to build collaboration experiences with only a few lines of code. This features enables developers to share data between users by simply appending an “array” of data owners. Update to Amplify CLI version 10.3.1 and above and deploy your GraphQL API to enable this feature. […]

Building a full-stack chat application with AWS and NextJS

Modern chat apps require a rich set of features. These features include file storage, real-time updates, and the ability to fetch data on both the client and the server. Traditionally, this has meant stitching together many third-party services, or spending development time creating a custom solution. Furthermore, this slows down the time-to-market and introduces multiple […]