Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Amazon RDS

Featured image on how to connect GraphQL API to existing MySQL and PostgreSQL databases

Create a GraphQL API for any existing MySQL and PostgreSQL database

We’re excited to announce a new capability that makes it easy to build scalable, secure GraphQL interfaces over your existing relational databases with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Provide the AWS Amplify GraphQL API CDK construct with your database credentials stored securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as a SecureString, and start authoring your […]

Creating serverless GraphQL APIs from RDS databases with AWS AppSync and PostGraphile

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that provides an understandable description of the data in your API, and that allows clients to ask for data in the shape that they need it. GraphQL helps developers implement applications faster, by giving developers the ability to query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs with a single GraphQL […]

DataStore + SQL data source architecture diagram

Connect Amplify DataStore with existing SQL datasources; adding offline and sync features in your application

This blog post was written by Brice Pellé – Principal Solution Architect – AWS AppSync. Amplify DataStore is a library that provides a programming model for leveraging shared and distributed data without writing additional code for offline and online scenarios. With the Amplify CLI, you can easily set up a new application that leverages AWS […]

Integrating GraphQL and SQL with AWS AppSync, AWS Lambda and Amazon RDS Proxy

This article was written by Eduardo Rabelo, Solutions Architect, AWS Organizations choose to build APIs because it helps them develop secure applications faster as well as abstract and protect their backend services and databases. GraphQL is an API technology that empowers developers to query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs with a single endpoint in a […]

AWS AppSync and the GraphQL Info Object

This article was written by Brice Pellé, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS   AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that allows to deploy Serverless GraphQL backends in the AWS cloud. GraphQL is a data language for your API that makes it easy and straight forward to interact with multiple data sources. One of the […]

Amplify Framework announces new Amazon Aurora Serverless and GraphQL Transform features for building AWS AppSync APIs

The Amplify Framework is an open-source project for building cloud-enabled applications. Today, we’re happy to announce new features for the GraphQL Transform library, which is part of the AWS Amplify command line interface (CLI). The GraphQL Transform library enables you to quickly deploy scalable AWS AppSync backends for your web and mobile applications. In this […]

AWS AppSync releases Pipeline Resolvers, Aurora Serverless support, Delta Sync

AWS AppSync, a Serverless GraphQL backend for providing data to mobile and web applications, has been steadily releasing features over the past year since launching at re:Invent 2017. Today, we’re happy to release several new service and client features for AWS AppSync that can greatly enhance the way you build client applications and provide data […]