Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Intermediate (200)

Generate human-readable seed data with Amplify Studio

This guide will teach you to build a blog page filled with fake blog posts using the AWS Amplify Admin UI’s new data improvements. We’ve added richer seed data generation using Faker, as well as the ability to download your data as a CSV. This makes development easier, thereby enabling you to create realistic demos, […]

Invoking AWS Step Functions short- and long-running workflows from AWS AppSync

Invoking AWS Step Functions short- and long-running workflows from AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync is a fully managed GraphQL service allowing developers to easily build GraphQL APIs. AWS AppSync lets developers connect their API various data sources, such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon OpenSearch, and HTTP Data Sources. By utilizing HTTP Data Sources, your AWS AppSync API can be connected to other AWS services. You can invoke AWS […]

Resources to Integrate with Amazon Location Service

Curious to find how you can customize your map, look for places, and play around with routing capabilities, directly on AWS? Learn how Amazon Location provides secure capabilities for developers to easily visualize and customize a map, add location, and enable tracking features to their application. The Amazon Location Service Developer Guide has detailed information […]

Enhancing Amazon DynamoDB single-table design with AWS AppSync access and security features

AWS AppSync is a fully managed service allowing developers to deploy scalable GraphQL backends on AWS. Developers utilize AppSync to connect applications to data sources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables. AppSync’s flexibility lets you utilize new or existing tables, using either a single-table design or a multi-table approach. In a single-table design, your different data […]

Create a Custom Map Style with Amazon Location Service

UX designers and web developers alike wish to have each component of their website meet the company’s branding requirements while providing a visual impact on its own. Web maps are no exception to this since they provide important visualizations for geographical data. The ability to customize is invaluable when a map is a big part […]

Introducing the AWS Amplify Libraries for iOS and Android (Preview)

Amplify iOS and Amplify Android are now generally available (GA). Read the GA post to get started with the new libraries. Until today, building iOS and Android apps powered by AWS involved using the AWS service-centric handwritten or low level generated SDKs. To set up the backend, you would go to the AWS service console […]

Amplify CLI simplifies starting from existing Amplify projects and adds new command for extending CLI capabilities

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. Today, we are happy to announce new features in the Amplify CLI that simplify the developer experience by enabling developers to get started from an existing Amplify project hosted on a Git repo by using a single command. The ‘amplify init’ […]

Running end-to-end Cypress tests for your fullstack CI/CD deployment with Amplify Console

This article was written by Nikhil Swaminathan, Sr. Technical Product Manager, AWS. Amplify Console now officially supports end-to-end (E2E) testing as part of your continuous deployment pipeline. E2E tests allow you to test your whole application from start to finish. Writing unit tests for the separate components of your app (e.g. product search flow, checkout […]