Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Amazon Location

Android Maps with Amplify Geo

Add Maps to your Android app with AWS Amplify Geo, powered by Amazon Location Service

This blog post was written by Erica Eaton – Software Development Engineer at AWS Amplify. Today’s release of AWS Amplify Geo for Android allows developers to quickly and easily add customizable maps with markers and location search to their Android applications. The location APIs are powered by Amazon Location Service and map rendering is from […]

Blog cover that shows a map with the team dinner location

Add Interactive Maps in React using Amplify Geo, powered by Amazon Location Service

This blog post was written by Michael Liendo – Senior Developer Advocate at AWS Amplify. Recently, AWS Amplify announced an easier way for React developers to add map and search functionality to their applications via the Amplify CLI as well as new AWS-aware Geo components. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to […]

Amplify Geo Maps for iOS

Add Maps to your iOS App using Amplify Geo, powered by Amazon Location Service

This blog post was written by Ian Saultz – Software Development Engineer at AWS Amplify. Time to Read: 20 minutes Time to Complete: 60 minutes Today’s release of AWS Amplify Geo for iOS allows developers to quickly and easily add customizable maps with annotations and location searches to their iOS applications. The location APIs are powered […]

Powering Travel through Geofences and Amazon Location Service

Amazon Location Service provides a cost efficient way to plug in high-quality maps and add location functionalities in applications. It empowers customers to visualize, geocode, provide navigation routing, and create geofences across locations of interest. A geofence, sometimes known as an Area of Interest (AOI), is simply a polygon boundary representing an existing or custom-defined space, which […]

Amazon Location Service enables Matrix Routing to optimize route planning

Amazon Location Service introduces Matrix Routing as a new feature to Routes that lets you calculate routes between one or more departure and destination positions. Matrix Routing will return the shortest time and distance between each departure and destination point in your Matrix. With Amazon Location Matrix Routing, you can specify additional routing parameters for […]

Adding the new Suggestions API of Amazon Location Service to your website

Today, Amazon Location Service introduces the new Suggestions API which adds autocomplete functionality when searching for places on a map or inserting addresses in a web form. The benefits of this new addition are twofold: it guides users to selecting their intended search string more rapidly and improves the relevance of results by increasing the […]

Resources to Integrate with Amazon Location Service

Curious to find how you can customize your map, look for places, and play around with routing capabilities, directly on AWS? Learn how Amazon Location provides secure capabilities for developers to easily visualize and customize a map, add location, and enable tracking features to their application. The Amazon Location Service Developer Guide has detailed information […]

Add Maps to your App in 3 Steps with AWS Amplify Geo powered by Amazon Location Service

Today’s release of AWS Amplify Geo allows developers to quickly and easily add maps with markers and location search to their JavaScript-based web apps. The location APIs are powered by Amazon Location Service and the UI components are extended from a popular open-source map library, MapLibre. Benefits Add maps and search functionality to a simple HTML […]

Create a Custom Map Style with Amazon Location Service

UX designers and web developers alike wish to have each component of their website meet the company’s branding requirements while providing a visual impact on its own. Web maps are no exception to this since they provide important visualizations for geographical data. The ability to customize is invaluable when a map is a big part […]