Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Announcements

Featured image for real-time multi-group auth

NEW: Real-time multi-group app with AWS Amplify GraphQL – Build a “Twitter Community” clone

In a recent industry survey, over 66.6% (up from 59.7% in 2019) of JavaScript developers have used real-time technologies. Multiplayer apps makes your app more delightful and drives more organic adoption through user collaboration. With today’s launch, AWS Amplify enables developers to configure dynamic multi-group authorization for real-time subscriptions. This is part three of a […]

JavaScript resolvers: now supporting additional array methods and arrow functions

AWS AppSync pipeline resolvers and functions now support additional array methods and arrow functions

AWS AppSync is a managed service that makes it easy to build scalable APIs that connect applications to data. Developers use AppSync every day to build GraphQL APIs that interact with data sources like Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and HTTP APIs. With AppSync, developers can write their resolvers using JavaScript, and run their code on […]

Building high-quality, cost-effective apps in Southeast Asia with Amazon Location Service

Amazon Location Service is a fully-managed service that makes it easy for you to add location data and functionality such as maps, search, and routing to your applications. With Amazon Location Service, you can access high-quality data from multiple data providers, giving you the flexibility to choose the provider with the best data for your […]

The most visited front-end web and mobile app development blogs in 2022

As we kick off 2023, I wanted to take a moment to highlight the top posts from 2022. Without further ado, here are the top 10 Front-End Web and Mobile blog posts of 2022. #1 Apollo GraphQL Federation with AWS AppSync Florian Chazal, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, comes in at #1 with an updated post […]

Meet Our MLH Fellows of Summer 2022

AWS Amplify is a complete solution for quickly and easily building full-stack applications on AWS, and is dedicated to building open-source libraries and fostering a community for front end developers. As part of our effort in fostering an open-source community, we collaborate with Major League Hacking who offers the MLH Fellowship, which brings together talented […]

Amplify CLI CDK v2 support

Use AWS CDK v2 with the AWS Amplify CLI extensibility features (Preview)

With v11.0.0-beta of the Amplify CLI, you can now use AWS CDK v2 to extend or modify your Amplify backend stack. As a recap, at re:Invent 2021, Amplify CLI (v7+) announced a number of extensibility features that gave developers the flexibility to modify their Amplify backend using infrastructure-as-code providers such as AWS CDK or AWS […]

New: Announcing custom primary key support for AWS Amplify DataStore

Amplify DataStore provides frontend app developers the ability to build real-time apps with offline capabilities by storing data on-device (web browser or mobile device) and automatically synchronizing data to the cloud and across devices on an internet connection. Since its initial release, DataStore has been opinionated with regards to the handling of model identifiers – […]

Featured Image for Form Builder

NEW: Build React forms for any API in minutes with AWS Amplify Studio (no AWS Account required)

Today, AWS Amplify announces Amplify Studio form builder, the new way to build React form components for any API. Amplify Studio is a visual interface that helps customers build full-stack web and mobile apps faster. Developers can now generate cloud-connected React forms based on their app’s GraphQL data model or REST APIs in one click […]

AWS Amplify presents: “Hey, Amplify!” A Discord Bot

Today, we are announcing “Hey, Amplify!“, a Discord bot aimed at improving the community experience. The AWS Amplify community Discord server has grown to amass nearly 20,000 members since its beginning in May 2020. Over time we have observed how members use Discord and what can be challenging with many supported services and platforms being […]

NEW: Lazy loading & nested query predicates for AWS Amplify DataStore

Today, we’re announcing three major enhancements to Amplify DataStore to make working with relational data easier: lazy loading, nested query predicates, and type enhancements. DataStore provides frontend app developers the ability to build real-time apps with offline capabilities by storing data on-device (web browser or mobile device), and automatically synchronizing data to the cloud and […]