Front-End Web & Mobile

Case Study: ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE delivers interactive TV experiences using AWS serverless solutions

Creating interactive viewing experiences during both live and prerecorded shows improves customer satisfaction. With millions of viewers casting their votes during popular singing contests or responding to opinion polls during talk shows, Seven.One Entertainment Group had to build an interactive television solution that could handle large, sudden spikes in traffic during the show. To handle the scale of event-based entertainment traffic, the company decided to build a serverless solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Read the full case study to learn how Seven.One Entertainment Group, by migrating to a serverless solution, reduced its costs by 60 percent compared to its previous on-premises solution, increased scalability during peak times, and saved hours of preshow preparation time for upcoming large events by completely removing the need for tasks like prewarming instances by using AWS AppSync’s real-time subscriptions to deliver results in near real time to millions of fans, a serverless architecture including Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda to support high performance at scale, and Amazon CloudFront to distribute video content faster.

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Jessie VanderVeen

Jessie VanderVeen is a Product Marketer for the AWS front-end web and mobile development services team which includes AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, and AWS Device Farm. She’s based in Seattle and is an avid surfer and outdoor enthusiast.