Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: amplify cli

Federating users using sign in with apple and amplify for swift with code snippet of fererating a user using amplify api

Federating Users using Sign in with Apple and AWS Amplify for Swift

In many mobile apps, users are offered different ways to authenticate with the app like providing a username and password as well as offering options to sign in with a social provider like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple. When authenticating with a social provider, the user goes through the provider’s auth flow and, in return, […]

How to build a Chrome extension that integrates with Amplify resources

AWS Amplify is the fastest and easiest way to build cloud-powered mobile and web apps on AWS. Amplify comprises a set of tools and services that enables front-end web and mobile developers to leverage the power of AWS services to build innovative and feature-rich applications. Chrome extensions are a great way to build mini applications that […]

Implementing Real User Monitoring of Amplify Application using Amazon CloudWatch RUM

When you launch a web application to users globally, you want to be able to monitor the experience of your end users as they interact with the application. The end users can access the application from different browsers, geographic locations, connectivity, and so forth, which can lead to varied user experiences. During re:Invent 2021, AWS […]

Getting Started with AWS Amplify DataStore Multi-Auth for Android

Managing which users have access to specific content is a problem that most modern apps face. With the recent release, AWS Amplify DataStore allows you to define multiple authorization (multi-auth) types for your GraphQL data schemas. Multi-auth types make it easier to manage user access and enable personalized content for users once they sign in. […]

Configure environment variables and secrets for your Lambda functions with Amplify CLI

With the recent release, Amplify CLI allows you to set environment variables and secrets for your Lambda functions. This feature is available as an advanced setting in Amplify’s “Function” category and allows you to configure environment variables and secrets interactively. The secrets configuration uses AWS Parameter Store backed by a “SecureString” parameter. In addition, this […]

Import existing Amazon Cognito resources with Amplify Admin UI

This blog post was written by Anna Pfoertsch, Senior Product Manager at AWS Amplify. In this guide you will learn how to integrate your existing Amazon Cognito user pool and federated identities (identity pool) into an Amplify project via the Amplify Admin UI. This will enable your GraphQL API (AppSync), Storage (S3) and other resources […]

Complete guide to full-stack CI/CD workflows with AWS Amplify

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. Today AWS Amplify launched new enhancements to it’s CI/CD workflow for full-stack deployments that include conditional backend deployments, automatic build-time generation of the […]