Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: AppSync

AWS AppSync WebSockets-based subscriptions for real-time updates now support nested filtering

AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that enables developers to build digital experiences based on real-time data. With AppSync, you can configure data sources to push and publish real-time data updates to subscribed clients. AppSync handles connection management, scalability, fan-out and broadcasting, allowing you to focus on your application business needs instead of managing […]

AWS AppSync Merged APIs Best Practices: Part 3 – Security

In this AWS AppSync Merged API – Best practices series, we cover important topics for developers, architects, and security engineers who are creating and managing AWS AppSync Merged and Source APIs. This multi-part series discusses best practices on schema composition, security, deployment and testing and subscriptions for Merged APIs. AWS AppSync offers Merged APIs, which […]

AWS AppSync now supports JavaScript for all resolvers in GraphQL APIs

AWS AppSync is a managed service that makes it easy to build scalable APIs that connect applications to data. Whether you’re looking to power your web applications with an API that connects to Amazon DynamoDB, or you are looking to build a real-time dashboard that provides live event updates to your users, AppSync can help […]

AWS SAM now supports GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync

We are pleased to announce that AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) now supports building serverless GraphQL APIs with AWS AppSync. AWS SAM provides a short-hand syntax for defining AWS serverless resources. AWS AppSync enables developers to connect their applications to data and events with secure, serverless, and performant GraphQL and Pub/Sub APIs. GraphQL APIs […]

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AWS AppSync Merged APIs Best Practices: Part 2 – Schema Composition

In the AWS AppSync Merged API – Best practices series, we cover important topics for developers, architects, and security engineers who are creating and managing AWS AppSync Merged and Source APIs. This multi-part series discusses best practices on schema composition, deployment and testing, security and subscriptions for Merged APIs. AWS AppSync offers Merged APIs, which […]

Apollo GraphQL Federation with AWS AppSync

This article was written by Florian Chazal, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS Update (August 2022): This blog post has been updated to comply with the new Apollo Federation spec v2.0. If you are migrating from v1 check the official documentation. Apollo Federation is an architecture and specification used to build and connect multiple distributed backend […]

AWS AppSync Merged APIs Best Practices: Part 1 – Cross Account Merged APIs with AWS Resource Access Manager

AWS AppSync is a serverless GraphQL service which makes it easy to create, manage, monitor and secure your GraphQL APIs. In the previous blog post, we announced the launch of Merged APIs for AWS AppSync. Merged APIs enable teams to merge resources, including types, data sources, functions, and resolvers, from multiple source AppSync APIs into […]

Access data in Amazon Timestream with AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync is a fully managed serverless GraphQL API service that simplifies application development by providing a single endpoint to securely query or update data from multiple databases, microservices, and APIs. Many organizations across different industry verticals (e.g., health care, manufacturing, energy generation, and transportation) use a stream of data to improve efficiencies of business […]

Integrate AWS Step Functions with AWS Amplify using Amplify Custom Resources

AWS Amplify makes it possible to add custom AWS resources to an Amplify-created backend using the amplify add custom command and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) or AWS CloudFormation. By doing so, developers can easily add and manage AWS resources beyond Amplify’s built-in use cases to their projects. AWS Amplify makes it fast […]

AWS AppSync now supports projection expressions in DynamoDB resolvers

AWS AppSync now supports projection expressions in DynamoDB resolvers

AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that makes it easy to create and manage GraphQL and real-time APIs. Now, AWS AppSync API developers who use DynamoDB data sources can define projection expressions in their DynamoDB resolvers. Before today, DynamoDB resolvers for AWS AppSync APIs would retrieve all the attributes from a DynamoDB table. Now, […]