Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Tag: Amazon EC2

How to set up Microsoft Visual Studio on Amazon EC2

AWS recently announced the general availability of license-included Visual Studio software on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.
This offering is made possible by the new user-based subscriptions feature of AWS License Manager. Let’s review steps needed to set up your license-included Visual Studio software on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Improve EC2 Windows launch experience by upgrading the launch agent to the latest EC2Launch v2

Overview EC2Launch v2 is the latest Windows launch agent offered by AWS. It is the upgraded version of earlier launch agents, EC2Config and EC2Launch v1. EC2Launch v2 comes with more features that allow better control over the launch experience of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Windows instances. It makes the launch process consistent, more […]

Deploying SQL Server Always Encrypted with secure enclaves on Amazon EC2 instances

Always Encrypted with secure enclaves is an encryption technology available in SQL Server 2019, which allows rich computations on encrypted data. With increased focus on data protection, this feature helps customers to protect sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or national identification numbers (for example, U.S. social security numbers) stored in SQL Server databases. […]


Venerable accelerates growth by modernizing its Mainframes on AWS

Venerable was formed as the result of a divestiture from a large US insurance business in 2018. As a new company, Venerable adopted a cloud-first strategy, which meant zero investment in establishing a mainframe infrastructure. Venerable needed to modernize a core business application for managing agent commissions. This mainframe application was known as the Agent […]