AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Expert (400)

Handling Region parity with infrastructure as code

Handling Region parity with infrastructure as code

AWS CloudFormation allows you to create and manage resources with templates. AWS provides a number of Regions where its services and features are available. Although it can be beneficial to deploy the same AWS CloudFormation template in multiple Regions, customers who operate in multiple Regions face challenges due to parity differences among services and their […]

Bring your own CLI to Session Manager with configurable shell profiles

In keeping with the principle that identity is the new perimeter, AWS Systems Manager Session Manager provides a mechanism for authenticated and authorized AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals to gain data-plane shell access to Amazon EC2 instances, without setting up a traditional SSH pathway for access. It has become an indispensable tool for […]

Automated configuration of Session Manager without an internet gateway

Automated configuration of Session Manager without an internet gateway

Session Manager is a fully managed AWS Systems Manager capability that you can use to manage your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, on-premises instances, and virtual machines (VMs) through an interactive one-click browser-based shell or through the AWS CLI. Session Manager also provides secure and auditable instance management without the need to open […]

Use Systems Manager Automation documents to manage instances and cut costs off-hours

Cut costs by minimizing infrastructure when it’s not under heavy use, for example turning off EC2 and RDS instances nights and weekends. In this post you will learn how to do this using Systems Manager Automation Documents, State Manager, and CloudWatch Events.

How to get notified on specific Lambda function error patterns using CloudWatch

This post demonstrates how to automate alert notifications for specific AWS Lambda function errors using an Amazon CloudWatch log subscription. CloudWatch Logs let you invoke a Lambda function when a log entry matches a pattern. Amazon CloudWatch alarms are used to notify when an error occurs with a Lambda function; this notification does not give […]

Query your resource configuration state using the advanced query feature of AWS Config

On March 19, AWS Config announced a new capability called advanced query. Advanced query makes it easy to query the resource configuration properties of your AWS resources for audit, compliance, or operational troubleshooting. Advanced query is available in all AWS public Regions and in AWS GovCloud (US) at no additional charge for AWS Config customers. […]

Git pre-commit validation of AWS CloudFormation templates with cfn-lint

We’re living in a golden age of AWS CloudFormation tooling. Tools like cfn_nag and taskcat make it easier to treat your infrastructure as code by performing testing and validation before you deploy a single resource into your accounts. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use linters to validate your CloudFormation templates.

AWS Config RDK: Multi-account and multi-Region deployment

We have introduced an updated version of the AWS Config Rule Development Kit (RDK). The RDK helps you rapidly deploy custom AWS Config rules at scale across multiple AWS accounts and Regions. You can also create a centralized dashboard to view the AWS Config rule compliance status across various AWS accounts. This blog post is […]