AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

How Singlife used AWS Professional Services, AWS Managed Services and AWS Migration Programs to build and accomplish their Cloud Migration Plan

Singlife with Aviva or Singlife, is a Singaporean insurance company that announced in December 2022 they are going all in on AWS and will migrate their entire IT infrastructure to the cloud by end 2023. The depth and breadth of AWS services will enable Singlife to improve speed-to-market of new products and enhance the company’s […]

Audit Manager support for HIPAA Omnibus

The security of Protected Health Information (PHI) is at the center of the data universe for healthcare organizations. AWS Audit Manager helps healthcare companies manage their regulatory requirements with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) healthcare standard, gathering evidence using automation to support their compliance and audit needs. The current HIPAA pre-built framework […]

Use AWS Systems Manager for Multicloud operations management

A multicloud strategy creates management and governance challenges for our customers. These challenges include maintaining consistent cloud security and compliance policies across cloud providers, providing a single pane of glass for visualizing and acting on operational data, and providing deployment automation and control of cloud infrastructure across multiple cloud environments. AWS Cloud Operations services lets […]

Enable management of your Amazon EC2 instances in AWS Systems Manager using Default Host Management Configuration

Update 01/2024: In October 2023, AWS Systems Manager announced the ability to enable AWS Systems Manager by default for all EC2 instances in an organization using Systems Manager Quick Setup. You can begin utilizing the benefits of DHMC in just a few clicks from the Quick Setup console. For more information, see Default Host Management […]

A detailed overview of Trusted Advisor Organizational Dashboard

As your business grows on Amazon Web Services (AWS), so too does the need to ensure your resources are optimized and following AWS best practices. AWS Trusted Advisor identifies ways to improve your AWS infrastructure across 5 unique pillars: Security, Performance, Cost Optimization, Fault Tolerance, and AWS Service Quotas. The AWS Support API allows customers […]

Monitoring CoreDNS for DNS throttling issues using AWS Open source monitoring services

Monitoring Infrastructure and Application is essential today as it provides important information to the operations engineers to ensure the technology stack runs healthy to achieve the business outcomes. To build a microservices environment using container orchestration tool like Kubernetes, which is designed to increase flexibility and agility, there are many distributed parts that have to […]

Announcing inbound network access control in Amazon Managed Grafana

Many customers that use Amazon Managed Grafana have a need to restrict the Grafana workspace public access and enable fine-grained control to allow which traffic sources can reach the Grafana workspace. Today, we are announcing Amazon Managed Grafana’s new feature that supports inbound network access control. This enables you to secure Grafana workspaces using VPC […]

How CyberArk Implements Feature Flags with AWS AppConfig

Written by Ran Isenberg, Principal Architect at CyberArk Feature flags are a powerful tool that allow you to change software behavior. In addition, feature flags can improve your CI/CD pipeline by enabling capabilities, such as A/B testing, thus making them an enabler of DevOps and a crucial part of any CI/CD pipeline. However, feature flagging […]

Delegate AWS Organizations policy management in a multi-account environment

AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern multiple AWS accounts within AWS. You can manage organization structure, add and remove accounts, define configuration using policies, handle consolidated billing, and control multi-account features of integrated AWS services. As your environment grows, your administrators have to manage more accounts and policies which often requires coordination between […]

Automate AWS Config reporting for noncompliant resources that have been non-compliant for a period of time

AWS Config evaluates the configuration settings of your AWS resources. You do this by creating AWS Config rules, which represent your ideal configuration settings. AWS Config provides customizable, predefined rules called AWS Managed Rules to help you get started. While AWS Config continuously tracks the configuration changes that occur among your resources, it checks whether […]