AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Automation

Automating account administration using AWS Systems Manager

This post focuses on one way Dedalus, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner based out of Brazil, maintains agility and control over their customer environments, by using AWS Systems Manager Automation to simplify everyday administration tasks and perform configuration management at scale on Amazon EC2 instances. Dedalus, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner based in Brazil, who […]

Auto-populate instance details by integrating AWS Config with your ServiceNow CMDB

Introduction Many AWS customers either integrate ServiceNow into their existing AWS services or set up both ServiceNow and AWS services for simultaneous use. One challenge in this use case is the need to update your configuration management database (CMDB) when a new spin-up instance appears in AWS. This post demonstrates how to integrate AWS Config […]

Tracking software licenses with AWS Service Catalog and AWS Step Functions

Enterprises have many business requirements for tracking how software product licenses are used in their organization for financial, governance, and compliance reasons. By tracking license usage, organizations can stay within budget, track expenditures, and avoid unplanned true-up bills from their vendors’ true-up processes. The goal is to track the usage licenses as resources are deployed. […]

Packaging to Distribution – Using AWS Systems Manager Distributor to deploy Datadog

AWS Systems Manager Distributor automates the process of packaging and publishing software to managed Windows and Linux instances across the cloud landscape, as well as to on-premises servers, through a single simplified interface. Customers can now leverage AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package custom software like monitoring agents and security agents, and then distribute them […]

Automating processes for handling and remediating AWS Abuse alerts

Introduction AWS Abuse addresses many different types of potentially abusive activity such as phishing, malware, spam, and denial of service (DoS)/ distributed denial of service (DDoS) incidents. When abuse is reported, we alert customers so they can take the remediation action that is necessary. Customers want to build automation for handling abuse events and the […]

Smart RDP and SSH remediation with AWS Systems Manager Automation API actions

Here in AWS Support, I often help customers regain RDP or SSH access to their instances. It’s a common problem, but the identification of a correct solution could take some time, even hours or days if the right information isn’t available. Even with the most up-to-date playbook, it is easy to miss simple checks that […]

Onica demonstrates uses for new AWS Systems Manager Automation actions

AWS Partner Guest Post By Eric Miller, VP of Solutions Development for Onica, a Premier Tier APN Consulting Partner As an AWS DevOps Competency Partner, Onica helps our customers across a wide variety of challenging automation problems. One very important suite of tools in our AWS toolbox is AWS Systems Manager. AWS Systems Manager simplifies […]

How to set up a multi-region, multi-account catalog of company standard AWS Service Catalog products

[Update on 9/30/2020] Note:  – Please follow Simplify sharing your AWS Service Catalog portfolios in an AWS Organizations setup to implement a multi-region, multi-account catalog at scale while incorporating recent updates and best practices. Many AWS customers are adopting AWS Service Catalog to create and manage catalogs of approved IT services for use on AWS. […]

AWS Service Catalog Hub and Spoke Model: How to Automate the Deployment and Management of Service Catalog to Many Accounts

Many organizations may have tens to hundreds of accounts and thousands of users that require services in AWS. Enforcing organizational governance controls for deploying services requires time and resources to build the necessary guardrails, security controls, and auditing. Using the AWS Service Catalog hub and spoke model and launch constraints, I’ll show you how to […]