AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Tag: AWS Service Catalog

Serverless Governance of Software Deployed with AWS Service Catalog

AWS Service Catalog (Service Catalog) is a powerful tool that empowers organizations to manage and govern approved services and resources. It significantly benefits platform engineering by standardizing environments, accelerating service delivery, and enhancing security. With its automated provisioning and resource management, Service Catalog supports infrastructure as code, enabling scalable, reliable deployments. Platform engineering teams are […]

Enabling Self Service for Cloud Custodian policies on AWS using AWS Service Catalog

Customers are increasingly seeking tools and solutions that can help them achieve their desired outcomes more efficiently and effectively. In the context of cloud management, the need for self-service capabilities has become more pronounced as organizations strive to optimize their cloud resources, improve security, and enhance their overall cloud operations. AWS Service Catalog offers the […]

Streamline Platform Engineering using AWS CodeStar Connections with AWS Service Catalog

Introduction AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation now support Git-sync capabilities to allow Platform Engineers to streamline their DevOps processes by keeping their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates in their source control libraries like GitHub and BitBucket. These enhancements help Platform Engineers to more effectively create, version, and manage their Well-Architected patterns with application teams […]

Self-service Account Provisioning Using AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many customers are looking to adopt a multi-account strategy within their AWS environment. This allows customers to isolate their workloads into different environments including test, dev, and production in addition to separating workloads based on regulatory requirements. As customers scale their multi-account environments, one strategy to increase agility is to offer business units their own […]

Report and visualize your AWS Service Catalog estate

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalog of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application architectures. In addition, organizations can centrally manage deployed IT services, applications, resources, and metadata. This helps you […]

Automate AWS Account configuration and onboarding for AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many enterprises use ServiceNow to support their IT Service Management (ITSM) processes.  These enterprises are looking for ways to manage and integrate their AWS cloud operations with their existing ServiceNow deployments.  AWS provides the AWS Service Management Connector (SMC) for ServiceNow to enable users to provision, manage, and operate AWS resources natively through ServiceNow. To […]

How Organon used AWS Service Management Connector to provision AWS resources from Service Now across multiple AWS accounts.

Organon has been exploring Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide a simple, efficient way to their end users to easily provision cloud infrastructure across multiple accounts and regions. Additionally, they needed to ensure security, management, governance and compliance on the AWS services to follow GxP regulations. Organon uses ServiceNow as the enterprise IT Service Management […]

AWS Service Catalog Account Factory-Enhanced

Many enterprise customers who use AWS Control Tower to create accounts want an uncomplicated way to extend the next steps in the account creation process. These next steps cover common business use cases, including creating networks, security profiles, governance, and compliance. Executing these processes for every new account created manually is cumbersome and challenging to […]

AWS Resources Lifecycle Management Via ServiceNow and AWS Service Management Connector

Customers deploy series of AWS resources to support their workloads in the cloud. These organizations, as part of their maturity journey, must help managing the lifecycle of their AWS Resources using existing IT Service Management tool, such as ServiceNow. Manually executing these tasks via both consoles (ServiceNow and AWS Console) is inefficient and time-tasking. With […]

How to enable bulk self-service provisioning of Amazon WorkSpaces by using AWS Service Management Connector, AWS Service Catalog and ServiceNow Import sets

Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully-managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution that runs on AWS. AWS provides several choices to deploy desktops to users. Some organizations need help integrating this process into their existing automation and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) tools. Many customers that we talk to want to have a bulk provisioning process, approval process, […]