AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Networking

cisco csr vpn

Monitoring Cisco CSR 1000v VPN tunnel and BGP status using Amazon CloudWatch

Many organizations get access to their AWS resources using a Direct Connect connection or a Site-to-Site VPN. AWS Site-to-Site VPN creates a secure connection between your data center or branch office and your AWS cloud resources.  In this post, we will see how to monitor your Cisco CSR VPN tunnel and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) […]

Implementing Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator (STNO) in AWS Control Tower

Introduction Many of the customers that we have worked with are using advanced network architectures in AWS for multi-VPC and multi-account architectures. Placing workloads into separate Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) has several advantages, chief among them isolating sensitive workloads and allowing teams to innovate without fear of impacting other systems. Many companies are taking […]