AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: observability

Successful creation of canary shows the status, previous canary runs and the list of canaries for the user.

Secure monitoring of user workflow experience using Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics and AWS Secrets Manager

Customers often need an easy way to monitor the URLs, API endpoints, and critical GUI workflows of their web applications in a secure fashion. Monitoring helps keep the service available by detecting performance bottlenecks and operational issues as soon as they arise. Customers also want to be alerted when availability and latency issues occur so […]

Communicate monitoring information by sharing Amazon CloudWatch dashboards

Amazon CloudWatch provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor the health and performance of your infrastructure and applications hosted on AWS and on-premises servers. CloudWatch dashboards and alarms enable you to to rapidly detect performance issues that affect end user experience. CloudWatch has added the ability to share dashboards with users outside of […]

Gain visibility into your Kubernetes spend with CloudZero and Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights

Gain visibility into your Kubernetes spend with CloudZero and Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights

Container adoption has been increasing rapidly in the past few years. Customers are deploying workloads of all sizes on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Typically, cluster administrators deploy several business applications and workloads on a cluster to achieve more efficient deployment density. On large clusters in a shared infrastructure where workloads of different sizes […]

Analyze and debug applications using AWS X-Ray trace data with Grafana

Analyze and debug applications using AWS X-Ray trace data with Grafana

Today, AWS and Grafana Labs are making available a free and open-source AWS X-Ray data source plugin. You can use the latest release of Grafana (version 7.2.0 or later) to visualize AWS X-Ray traces directly in your Grafana dashboards in order to triage performance issues in applications instrumented with X-Ray. This enables you to build a single […]