Networking & Content Delivery

400 Amazon CloudFront Points of Presence

Less than three years ago, we announced the 200th Point of Presence for Amazon CloudFront. Since then, we’ve continued to launch more Points of Presence to support more customers and provide them with enhanced content delivery performance. Today, CloudFront has over 400 Points of Presence in 90 cities and across 47 different countries.

The expansion of our network has enabled customers to deliver a variety of workflows including low latency live streaming and on-demand videos, dynamic content and APIs acceleration, and fast websites and applications delivery and more. In addition, thanks to the expanded CloudFront network, customers have been able to easily scale their workflows to serve an increased number of users, as more activities moved online since COVID-19 began.

During the same period, while we were expanding the CloudFront network to serve more customers globally, we also focused on service fundamentals by announcing numerous notable features that our customers have been adopting. For example:


Attack mitigation – CloudFront customers use AWS Shield Advanced and AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) to mitigate application-layer attacks. Beginning recently, CloudFront customers further enhanced their security posture with extra automated layer-7 attacks mitigation features.

Certificates and ciphers – CloudFront customers can deploy their distributions with efficient yet robust security strength by leveraging ECDSA certificates.


Reduction in propagation time – Customers who are making changes to their CloudFront distributions are seeing their propagation times reduced to less than five minutes.

Origin Shield – CloudFront customers have been adopting Origin Shield as an extra caching layer on their distribution to increase their cache hit ratio, reduce the load at the Origin, and improve network performance.

Edge compute

CloudFront Functions – Customers use CloudFront functions to run their custom code closer to their users and deliver responses right at the Edge.

Cost reductions

Free tier data transfer expansion – CloudFront customers receive extra cost savings with CloudFront data transfer free tier expansion from 100GB to 1TB per month.

CloudFront security savings bundle – Customers are leveraging CloudFront Security Savings Bundle to save up to 30% on their CloudFront bill and receive an additional AWS WAF credit.

New locations launched

The 400th Point of Presence was launched in Chicago, where customers are already using it to accelerate their content, such as marketing analytics APIs, social networks websites, and Video on Demand, to their viewers in Chicago and other areas.

As we expand Points of Presence, we’ve also expanded into several countries which had no previous CloudFront presence. These countries are:

  • Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Hungary, and Croatia in Europe.
  • Thailand and Indonesia in Southeast Asia.
  • Kenya in Africa.
  • Australia and New Zealand.

For more details regarding all available geographical locations, visit this page. The following image shows the current footprint of CloudFront Points of Presence:

CloudFront Points of Presence footprint

Figure: CloudFront Points of Presence footprint


Check out these great resources on CloudFront to gain more insights:

Amazon CloudFront for Media

Amazon CloudFront Customer Case Studies

Secure Content Delivery with Amazon CloudFront

Secure and Cost-Effective Video Streaming using CloudFront Signed URLs

Amazon CloudFront What’s New.

Customizing at the Edge with CloudFront Functions


Vinicius Pedroni

Vinicius is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with customers to build solutions and capabilities that help customers as they move to the cloud. Specializing in AWS Edge Services, he also helps and guides customers on adopting these technologies to increase their security, performance and scalability on AWS.


Ben Lee

Ben Lee is a Senior Product Manager on the Amazon CloudFront team focusing on caching, edge delivery, and security. He is based in Seattle and is passionate about helping customers deliver secure, reliable, and fast content to their users.