Networking & Content Delivery

Category: *Post Types

Serving SSE-KMS encrypted content from S3 using CloudFront

Update: We’ve updated this blog and the AWS Lambda function code to work with both “custom” and “s3” style origins in Amazon CloudFront. Previously, only “custom” types were covered. In August 2022, CloudFront launched OAC (Origin Access Control), providing native support for customers to use CloudFront to access S3 bucket encrypted with SSE-KMS. Depending on […]

Scale your Remote VPN on AWS

Scale your Remote Access VPN on AWS

AWS gives you the ability to extend existing on-premises remote access VPN solutions to the cloud. This not only allows access to resources within AWS, but using hybrid connectivity, also to on-premises resources. VPN clients use AWS internet connectivity as an entry point, and the flexibility of Amazon EC2 to scale capacity behind remote access […]

Using VPC Flow Logs to capture and query EKS network communications

Introduction Capturing and querying Amazon EKS and Kubernetes (K8s) cluster traffic is an important skill to possess. It is especially useful during incident-response and when troubleshooting networking issues surrounding nodes, pods, or services in your cluster. Amazon makes it easier to perform capture and query tasks with Amazon VPC Flow Logs and Amazon Athena. Administrators can use Amazon VPC Flow Logs to […]

Using Microsoft Active Directory MFA with AWS Client VPN

You can now enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for users connecting to an AWS Client VPN endpoint. This solution is ideal for organizations that want additional security when remote users are accessing AWS or on-premises resources. MFA improves the authentication process by requiring more than a user name, password, and certificate (the first factor). MFA requires […]

Achieve up to 60% better performance for internet traffic with AWS Global Accelerator

If you offer applications such as gaming, media, mobile, or financial applications, you need consistent, low latency for a great user experience. AWS Global Accelerator helps you to achieve lower latency by improving performance for internet traffic between your users’ client devices and your applications running on AWS. It uses the AWS global network to […]