AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Learning Levels


Deploying an HPC cluster and remote visualization in a single step using AWS ParallelCluster

Since its initial release in November 2018, AWS ParallelCluster (an AWS-supported open source tool) has made it easier and more cost effective for users to manage and deploy HPC clusters in the cloud. Since then, the team has continued to enhance the product with more configuration flexibility and enhancements like built-in support for the Elastic […]

Splitting an application’s logs into multiple streams: a Fluent tutorial

Not all logs are of equal importance. Some require real-time analytics, others simply need to be stored long term so that they can be analyzed if needed. In this tutorial, I will show three different methods by which you can “fork” a single application’s stream of logs into multiple streams which can be parsed, filtered, […]

Overview of the infrastructure pipeline.

Using AWS CodePipeline and open source tools for at-scale infrastructure deployment

AWS offers a rich set of developer tools to host code, build, and deploy your application and/or infrastructure to AWS. These include AWS CodePipeline, for continuous integration and continuous deployment orchestration; AWS CodeCommit, a fully-managed source control service; AWS CodeBuild, a fully-managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages; […]

Continuous delivery of container applications to AWS Fargate with GitHub Actions

At the day two keynote of the GitHub Universe 2019 conference on Nov 14, Amazon Web Services announced that we have open sourced four new GitHub Actions for Amazon ECS and ECR. Using these GitHub Actions, developers and DevOps engineers can easily set up continuous delivery pipelines in their code repositories on GitHub, deploying container workloads to Amazon Elastic Container […]

The Open Source Robot Operating System (ROS) and AWS RoboMaker

中文版 “There are certain problems within the robotics community that, at this point, are well enough solved that everybody kind of understands and more or less recognizes that this is the best approach to solve that problem. And so, wherever we can in the ROS community, we take those algorithms, implement them in open source […]