AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: open source

World Wide Web Consortium logo

Amazon Joins the W3C

中文版 Amazon is excited to announce that we have joined the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Since 1994, the W3C has been defining open standards for the Web such as CSS, SVG, and XML. These, and many others, have driven interoperability across vendor platforms and led to the rapid evolution of the Web to become […]

Linux Foundation Open Source Summit logo

Open Source Summit Edinburgh

中文版 Next week will be a busy one for AWS open source afficionados: in addition to All Things Open, a bunch of us will be at the Open Source Summit in Edinburgh, for which we are also Gold sponsors. The Open Source Summit will be co-located with two other important events: the Embedded Linux Conference […]

Ahead in the Cloud book cover

Open Network User Group (ONUG) Fall Conference

中文版 The Open Network User Group (ONUG) is an influential end-user organization that drives the creation and adoption of open standards in networking, cloud, and related technologies. Earlier in 2018, AWS joined ONUG, and Adrian Cockcroft spoke at the spring ONUG event in San Francisco. We will soon be sponsoring the fall ONUG event in […]

All Things Open conference image

All Things Open (Source) in Raleigh, NC

AWS is a Presenting sponsor at All Things Open this October 21-23, and the team is looking forward to busy few days in Raleigh! 3500 attendees are expected this year with a schedule that will feature more than 20 tracks and 200 sessions over three days of programming, including 14 extended workshop sessions and three […]

Linux Foundation Open Source Summit logo

A Week in Vancouver at Open Source Summit

This years’ North American series of the Open Source Summit produced by the Linux Foundation was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, and AWS was present to support the event as a gold sponsor. The conference week began with a number of co-located events such as the Linux Security Summit and CHAOSScon, and there was plenty […]

Optimized Support for Amazon EKS on Ubuntu 18.04

Note: This article was written and published in 2018, so instructions and links may be outdated. The Canonical Public Cloud (CPC) team provides a prepared, ready-to-use version of the Ubuntu 18.04 ‘LTS’ release, Bionic, customized for use with the Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). If you are currently an Ubuntu user, you are […]

AWS at OSCON 2018

Celebrating 20 Years of Open Source at OSCON

In July, the Open Source Conference (OSCON) returned home to Portland, Oregon, for its 20th anniversary, and what a week it was: seeing old friends, meeting new ones, hearing interesting talks, learning new skills with sessions on AI, IoT, blockchain, and re-visiting some favorite places in Portland. The week began with the Community Leadership Summit, […]