AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Government

Assess your own cloud readiness: Create a detailed roadmap for cloud migration

The new online Cloud Readiness Assessment tool is a self-guided checklist to gauge your level of preparedness for a smooth transition to the cloud. Driven by the need for greater productivity and lower costs, organizations around the world are moving their workloads to the cloud. Pre-migration planning can be as important as the implementation work itself. A cloud readiness assessment can transform an organization’s rough idea of moving to the cloud into a detailed plan that explains how to make it happen and in what order events should occur.

Yes, Technology Can Build More Inclusive Societies

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Institute today released a briefing paper that illustrates how cities are using technology to enhance access to services and quality of life for their residents. As cities become home to the majority of the world’s population, leaders must ensure that urban infrastructure and services can accommodate growth, and that no one is left behind. Increasingly, they are turning to cloud technology for solutions to the challenges they are facing – from problems like traffic, parking, and waste management to public health crises and natural disasters.

Trends from IACP: How technology can improve law enforcement

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is a worldwide organization for law enforcement leadership to communicate new ideas, share experiences, disseminate information, and build relationships with other law enforcement entities. This year’s conference included sessions on trends in the law enforcement environment, new ideas, technology, and real-world applications. Here are some of the topics that AWS and our network of partners and solutions providers are working on to improve with law enforcement.

Visualizing Diplomacy, Development, and the Environment: An ImpactHack Recap

The United States Diplomacy Center and World Resources Institute hosted ImpactHack, a data visualization hackathon in Washington, D.C. Sixteen teams competed to demonstrate diplomacy’s impact, from state economies to global issues, using their coding and design skills. Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsored the event, donating the time of several solutions architects, technology, credits, and expertise in managing the hackathon. Over the course of over a single Saturday, these teams developed their submissions. Projects from the hackathon will be used to develop Diplomacy Center exhibit prototypes. Congrats to the three winners!

The Five Ways Organizations Initially Get Compromised and Tools to Protect Yourself

Over the years, many organizations’ on-premises IT infrastructure has been compromised. Often times, organizations are left defending infrastructure, data, and people without understanding who is attacking them and why. But the sliver lining is that attackers often use the same tactics to try to initially compromise their targets. Knowing the ways that attackers try to get a foothold in your environment can help you defend it better.

Happy Birthday Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server on AWS!

Happy Birthday! It has been 10 years of our customers running Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server on AWS. Our government customers are some of the largest users of Windows. As public sector customers are looking to modernize their infrastructure, they have been turning to AWS. They trust their Windows workloads on AWS because of our experience, reliability, security, and performance.

AWS Public Sector Summit in Singapore: The Next-Generation of Builders

The second annual AWS Public Sector Summit in Singapore took place on Tuesday, October 2, at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Center in Singapore. More than 1,100 attendees showed up from across the public sector. The event kicked off with the keynote presentation and was followed by 17 sessions that were offered across two tracks. And, for the first time, there was also a student track.